Tank/DPS and Healer/DPS Seeking AOTC Guild for Dragonflight

About us: Tank player (offspec dps) and healer (offspec dps) looking for a social AOTC focused group. I (the tank) have been raiding since the start of BFA both as a tank and dps, while the healer has been raiding since BC. We’re both interested in finding a community that has an active discord and enjoys doing content together both in and out of raids.

Logistics: We’re open to any server as well as either Horde or Alliance. If you’re a good match and we don’t have a character on that server yet, we will level and be ready for the raid release. Any raid days Thursday - Monday are open (no Tuesdays or Wednesdays).

Mains are Guardian Druid and Resto Shaman (wanting to play Resto Druid or Evoker). Feel free to let me know if you have any specific class needs.

My Discord is dota2spooky#2571 and Bnet is Spooky#1595. Look forward to hearing from you!

Hey Spooky,

I think we are what you are looking for.

Incorporeal is brand new with a fresh raiding roster (which means no benches & no cliques), looking to establish our roots as a mid-core raiding guild focused on player growth and development. We want to be the pillars to help you succeed in your endgame goals, but also forge a long lasting friendship with each other. We will be focusing on AOTC and Mythic when applicable.

Our first group’s raiding schedule for Dragonflight will be Tues/Thurs from 8pm-11pm EST, we are seeking one healer and one dps for this raid group.

Our second group’s raiding schedule for Dragonflight will be Fri/Sat from 9pm-12am EST, we are currently seeking healers and dps.

I understand you are a tank main and we can make an exception as one of our tanks can swap to dps.

If this sounds good to you, feel free to reach out to me on discord: Rvynn#6533
For more information, feel free to join our discord: 86uMmDpdUq (invite link)

Hello Spooky!
I run a semi-casual 1x/week AOTC focused raid team. we have multiple spots open. Right now we don’t have a tank spot officially open on the raid team, but one of our tanks isn’t sure he wants to tank…so, maybe. We always need tanks for keys. We do have several games that guild members play together outside of wow. I’ll drop my guild ad below and if the time frame sounds doable, i’d love to chat and see if we could be a good fit for you.

Hi. I think you might be a good fit for our AOTC guild, Moonwell Dancers.

Founded in February 2005, Moonwell Dancers is a casual, friendly Alliance guild on the Uldum server.

We play World of Warcraft for fun, and the guild has grown based on the idea that players can reach their shared goals in a friendly atmosphere far more effectively than in the cutthroat environment typical of so-called “raiding” guilds. We raid. We just have fun doing it. We raid Fri/Sat 5-730pm PST. We also run m+ throughout the week.

We also have achievement seekers. And we have plenty of casual players who just like to explore what Azeroth has to offer.

If you’re still interested, my btag is Epsilonp#1422.