Tank main LFG

Heya Guybush,

All great questions.
1.Attendance policy is for raiders only. If for whatever reason you can’t make it to something you’ve signed up for, just let the GM or and Officer know, no biggie.
2. Yes, you would need to server transfer, but it would be fine to join us for an event or two so we can see how it goes before you go spending any of your hard earned money to make a transfer.
3. No, you can build your toon however you want. Like I always say, it’s your $15.

If you have any more questions don’t hesitate to hit me up on bnet.

Thats good to know. Also my toons are all alliance. Would i have to make a horde one?

If you join before they open up cross faction guilds, yes. However if you wait til after, you can stay Alliance :slight_smile:

I think ill hold off on joining for now then. The amount of time it would take to level another toon would be a bit much.

Understandable! If you’re still looking for a guild by then, don’t hesitate to reach out :slight_smile:

Actually i do have one last question, do you have people that level together with their toons?

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Venomfang Cultists, Alliance - Emerald Dream is a mature, friendly, smaller guild doing casual raiding Tues and Thur 10:30 PM pacific. We do M+ in the +15 key range the other weeknights. We are smaller, with a little less than twenty active members. We welcome all class, spec, and skill levels. Play what you want how you want. In the first tier of Dragonflight we got 8/8 normal bosses down and a few Heroic bosses for fun. We will resume raiding in 10.1, and will M+ mainly until then. We do not have attendance requirements for raid, or performance minimums. We do it to see the raid and have fun.

While we all like to be successful and progress our characters, we want to enjoy the game first and foremost.

If interested, and if the late hours don’t bother you, let me know on Bnet, Willowthorn#1522.

We also have a cross faction community if you’d like to group up without server transferring…just check “cross faction” and search communities for “Venomfang”. Hope to see you there!

We do sometimes. Just depends on what’s going on.

I need a tank to fill an unexpected vacancy.

Lets talk on Discord.


Hi Guybush,

Dragon tail is a raid and mythic+ guild looking to fill its roster with likeminded people. We are currently 8/8N 6/8H with AOTC as the main goal.

Raid Time: Weds/Fri 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM CST

We are currently looking for any dps (Mage, Shaman, Evokers are priority) and one non Death Knight Tank

We hangout in discord a lot. If you are looking for a community to grow with then we might be the guild for you!

All players, new and old, are welcome!

If you are interested in joining us feel free to message me on discord (Jeriky#9574)

add me Thebanger#11932 we raid 1 night a week 1/8M

Hi Guybush!

Chaos and Order (3/8 M VotI) is currently looking to bolster our roster. You don’t need to be on our server or in our guild to raid with us and off-meta specs are welcome if you can play them well. We are currently progging Mythic Sennarth which shouldn’t be too bad considering we 3 shot Terros last week! (https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/xpzqZh4kvMJgn86F)

BTag: Deadlift#1353
Discord: Deadlift#4338

T & Th: 8:30-11:30 Eastern

If you’re not on the server but are interested in joining you could join on a fresh alt to see if you mesh with us. We’re currently mostly focused on raids and M+ but we’re also looking for people who want to do rated PvP and other general social activities so you definitely don’t need to raid to join us and we’re happy to help anyone improve their gameplay if they are looking for some suggestions!