Tank LF late night guild. Brew/Warrior

I am currently looking for a later night raiding guild to join. I would like to a find a guild that plans to get into mythic raiding. CE isn’t something I have to have… BUT it would be nice to be able to push as far as we could go.

I main a paladin that I am currently 3/11m. I dont plan on moving since I have a guild i enjoy raiding with. I try to gear up and learn EVERY tank class incase one is better for different fights. I would like to join with either my Warrior(i know they arent in a good spot) or my Brewmaster. They are both 272ish and being worked on. I also have a DK druid and DH that I am working on. I havent learned them good enough to raid on yet … or geared them enough.

Please hit me up. I am willing to go back to horde and xfer servers if its a good fit.


Hi ßigkef! We might be a good fit for you. We are actively recruiting and getting close to start our first raid on Tuesday!

I cant raid on tuesdays unless its after 11:30 i currently have a raid team on tues thur 830-1130