Tank Abuse

Charging to tank a dungeon is just… selfish and uncool. It’s just a game.

Having said that, yeah, people casting Blizzard as soon as I pull, and attacking everything but my target, is very annoying and actually slows down the run, since the healer and I need to drink more since we expend more mana trying to keep your stupid dps butts alive.

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Dps is more so the problem

-refusal to CC when asked.
-not in touch with AOE strength of all tanks. If a Paladin has lower spellpower, you need to adjust
300 SP versus 450 with sanc aura is much different
-DPS is usually low as a whole between 3 DPS

Tanks can have issues in a heroic below 485 def for uncrittable status for level 72’s and it’s obnoxious when they maintain their uncrushable status in a heroic dungeon sacrificing stamina or threat stats

Healers in all blues in heroics are toxic and will accuse people of being squishy

When I healed a T6 quality tank without cc in post NERF (not pre) blood furnace pushing near 1,600 healing per second

Switching from prot to holy I see it for what it is

Dps are almost always ungrateful and I can understand why tanks charge gold or something


If stuff is marked and faildps hit things before they should,

they die…sometimes :smiley:


I say we all start charging gold to join groups. Do you need a dps? slide me that clean 50g. You get a healer. Well, I need 100g this oil isn’t going to buy itself. Need a Tank? Sorry kid, unless you are willing to pony up 200g and the frozen orb at the end of the run you are on your own.

I find that if I set expectations pre-key-drop in a pre-written macro, any real grief happens prior to risking the key and wasting any more time than needed.

This week I have two:

  1. Please do not “help” with pulls. It’s Necrotic week, very hard on Tanks and Healers. I need to manage mob count and location. I can’t do that with DPS pulling more to speed the run. Faster doesn’t matter if you kill your Tank.


  1. Hunter, please keep a Tar Trap up behind me, near me, or center of room so I can use it in emergencies to drop Necrotic stacks. Thanks in advance.

I only run the second one if I find a hunter for the run.

This whole week I had one run where the TWO hunters in the group said, “Okay boss” and then proceeded to ignore my requests and one run where the HEALER the Hunter and one other DPS left because “You can’t tell me how to play” (with other words interleaved in there I can’t say on the forums) but by and large it’s worked very well for me.

Essentially just a reminder of the effect this week’s affixes have on the two “skill” positions and a request for a bit of help from the Hunter.

This reminds me of an old but good early classic day post, from Elite’s Warrior Tanking Guide:

Only problem with letting dps do what they want is too often they cant keep the threat up and the mob goes and 1 shots the healer.


I mean, that’s a good use-case for taunting off the healer. If the healer continues healing the DPS that is causing the healer to pull aggro, then it’s a healer issue.

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I honestly think it’s because more people would rather dps than tank.

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Tanking isn’t a “service”, it’s one of three roles necessary for running dungeons and raids. Looking at this game like it’s some kind of full time job that you need some payment for is a horrible perspective to have. This is a video game. Play it for fun.


I would say it’s half-and-half speaking as a protection palatin myself that takes youth but in myself that tanks a lot of random heroics.

I can say I will LOS I will always do my best to ensure that the group is successful and I wis successful and I wait For my healers to get Mana You know I’m patient.

However what I run into a lot of assumed people run ahead of me so many people sometimes will just pull for me and it’s aggravating I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had hunter’s just misdirect pull without even mentioning to me.

If or mages sheep pulling without even saying anything to me Or how many people get so impatient in some even demand I use manipods instead of drinking.

I think it’s a mixture of the 2 If people are just so much more impatient than they were back in the day It’s just a result of the midmax mentality and parchmentality we have now.

Supply and demand, tanking is in fact a service that can be monetized. And making money is an aspect of the game which some people enjoy.

Tanking, in principle, is just playing the game in a specific role. Not a service. It shouldn’t be treated as such in principle.


There’s people willing to pay for someone to tank hence some tanks are going to meet that demand.

Arguing whether it’s a service or a specific role is just semantics.


This is a good use of “just semantics.” It’s rather useless to argue as to whether it should be classified as a service or a regular role, for the reason you specified above:

Tanking is rough but I don’t think that’s the main problem.

  1. Only 3/27 builds in this game tank, 1 of which is poop. Druids at least get a 2 for 1 talent page but warrior tank has nothing going for it. It took until wrath (2 expansions) for Blizzard to finally make warrior tanks decent and add more tank builds (now 6/30).
  2. No dual spec. Everyone hoped and begged for this all of classic and crusade but Blizzard refused. They have no problem doing a bunch of other dumb crap but the biggest thing the games really need, nope, can’t have that. You say there’s “plenty” of tanks. Wrong. There’s plenty of people that COULD tank but they won’t because they don’t want to pay the respec fee.

“I tanked 5-main runs all through Legion as a BM Hunter.”
-This isn’t legion.

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No it’s not. Because we’re talking in principle here. That’s very important. In principle, tanking, healing and damaging are just different but equally important roles needed for clearing dungeons and raids.

People CAN perform these roles for a fee, but that doesn’t make the role a service in principle.


Not to mention that there are far fewer end-game tanking spots available than other roles. With 10-man content becoming more prominent in Wrath, as well as dual spec, and the addition of a class that can also tank, we’ll likely see some better availability of tanks.

But not equal numbers of people are willing to tank/heal/dps which makes tanking more in demand. And hence why tanks can command a fee for doing so but dps cannot. If the ratio of tanks/healers/dps was 1/1/3 tanks would not be able to charge for doing so.

Believe me when I say if I had a penny for every single time I’ve had to say wait for the concentrate to hit before you start dpsing.

I wouldn’t be a millionaire but I would be very close to a million People are so impatient heck I get yelled at as a palatin tank because I have to drink so much well yeah guess what because our gear doesn’t allow a Big manapool.

But I get completely what you mean people are so impatient Now I’m not going to say that every single tank is patient either but man.

Heaven forbid you Wait for the healer to get Mana Or actually look at the mobs before you pull and pull them intelligently.

It’s gotten to the point where I’ve gotten yelled at and said drink a Mana pot Instead of drink.

I do like tanking In fact I want a roll one of each tank in wrath Mainly because it’s a lot more fun than in tbc because I can tell you it is not a fun job.

But a lot of this I do kind of blame on classic because let’s be honest there weren’t tanks in If classic you were a DPS with more health and armor.

And to my understanding it was the same thing in SoM So that was a big part of it I do think things will get better in wrath.

But yeah I would absolutely agree that people just don’t have patience and that would be a reason why people don’t want to roll tank.