Tanaan Jungle Skip for lvl 90s alts

Im sure this was posted before, just a friendly reminder since I have seen so many complaining about having to do this forever long journey to get to Draenor at lvl 90.

Go to the Timeless Isle (don’t forget to get the flight path) you want to head to the SE end of the island, to an underwater cave at 70, 76. Go in the cave and sit in a chair, click on the fire inside the cave and it will port you to Gorgrond, Draenor (74, 24).

I had to manually fly all the way to Shadowmoon Valley, Eventide Bay, and meet Prophet Velen (26, 8) to start the Garrison quest line. If you don’t have Draenor flying already, its a hell of a run to start the quests


people actually want to skip the intro quest? they give like 2 levels after you complete them. :astonished:


It can get a bit repetitive I suppose if you have a lot of alts.

Personally I enjoyed the Warlords intro chain.


After doing them on way way too many toons I skipped it a few times.



This doesn’t always work.

I tried it on two alts and there was nothing to start a quest anywhere. I had to do the intro. Which, honestly, is fast and nets you a couple levels.


Exactly. 2 levels that are quickly and easily taken care of, making my exit from WoD all the more rapid while I level my ARs.

Besides…I did it so many times back IN WoD (the last xpac that I had all classes at then max level before the rollout of the next one), I can go on autopilot for it, and just watch Netflix at the same time.

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Just skipped it on Horde side with another character. Took the underwater cave portal in timeless isle, then rode my Waterstrider along the coastline all the way around Gorgrond to the quest pickup near the boat in Frostfire ridge.

They’re painfully linear, boring and too long. You start them and that’s what your doing for the next hour. No escape or player agency, just… This is your next quest.


Is it actually supposed to be doable? I’m sure I remember them addressing this before and calling it an exploit. But then again, it’s such a specific thing, and goes both ways. What was there prior to WoD being released?


It doesn’t take an hour. Skip the cinematics and smash through. It’s a half hour for two levels. So it’s like running a dungeon but not having to worry about the rest of a group.


Does it really?

I usually skip them because it’s a bit tedious on my hands to do so much questing at once.

I just done it, on Horde you need to head down to the docks to start your quest, it’s the same on Alliance, you need to head somewhere, I forget what I read, but you need to go out of your invisible base and find the first quest.

Why would Blizzard put something in place and than call it an exploit? As above, they have a quest you can pickup to start your base without the need to go through the intro.

If they wanted to stop it happening they would not make the quest giver visible, they would zone them in when you got to your base.


I know. But again, it doesn’t always work.

So what you go to where the quest giver is and there is no one there? I am not talking about the ! on your map, but the actual location of the quest giver.

Like for Horde when you go through the initial quest correctly it will get you to talk to the white horde guy and than build your base, if you skip it you just need to head to the docks and he is waiting there for you.

Exactly. No NPCs at all. Nothing. Nowhere.

It’s worked before for me. And then it hasn’t worked. Which is why I said it doesn’t work all the time.

You’re right 30-45 minutes. Guess that means it’s great fun /s

And worrying about the rest of the group is what makes the content fun. Would rather run a normal dungeon if for no other reason, something interesting might happen. like I die.

I skip it on some of my slower killing classes, the 2 levels are great , but on some toons its a pain.

To each their own. Some enjoy going through it to gain a couple of easy levels.

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I tried this just after the release of BFA. Using a boosted level 110 Troll Druid. Teleported fine. Went to the area where my Garrison was supposed to be. No way to build it. No people to talk to. Nothing down the road where you phase in after doing the starting quests for the expansion.

After about an hour of looking and trying to get the Garrison started, I had to go back to Orgrimmar, travel to Blasted Lands and start it the regular way.

Can anyone explain why this is actually a thing? I get that the game has obscure secrets, and that intros like this can be tedious as you bring the 28th alt through them. But why the method of “swim through a cave on an island and click a fire that has no thematic connection to AU Draenor” ?