Taming Horridon encounter bug

Still bugged.

Since I could not break the encounter to hearth, log out, or quit the game normally, my solution of last resort was to CTR+ALT+DEL and kill the WoW thread in Task Manager. Then I played other characters until after the daily reset kicked my toon to the curb. Brute force solution, but it works.

[fixed?] Oct 20th 2020 - I tamed Horridon, the endless wave bug happened, I sat there until I died, and when I walked back to the amphitheater Horridon was there for me to kill, and the raid progressed as normal. Guess they fixed it in the shadowlands prepatch! <3

Just happened to me and was on there for a while. So hasn’t gotten fixed yet.

This is still ongoing, but what I found was, dismiss your pets after you tame Horridon, let the mobs grow in number, Feign death and unequip all of your stuff, then after that just let the mob run you down.

Also I forgot to mention, if you unequip after you Feign death, you will have to Feign death again in order to equip your items. Hope this helps.

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still happening.

IT’s still happening!! WTHHH Blizz! Fix it.

Same. Still going on as of Dec 31 '20.

How bout you all just try a soft reset lol, leave the raid for 30 minutes and that should do the trick!

same here, bug still happening as of 28th Jan 2021 took me 30 minutes to find this and realise its bugged

this is still a bug in 2021… can you please fix this. i guess i just have to have patience with such a small indi company, what do ya’ll have like two dev’s working on the game.

After leaving and coming back i can’t even complete my run at a mount chance.

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This did work! Thank you!

March 2022, still happening.

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Yes, still bugged after taming Horridon.

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September 2022 and this is still happening.

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February 2023 and still happening


Just had this bug after taming and after fighting wave after wave I came to find this thread and was standing by the door you come into the arena in just letting the mobs hit me , when I went back to the game Horridon had reset

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Stilled bugged. Please make it so the encounter properly resets after taming the boss.


Still bugged years later. Now that the hearthstone is a toy you can potentially trap your character. I had to use the hearth in my bag, the toy was getting reset even though I wasn’t getting hit, using the hearth in my bag worked though.

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Still happening Feb, 2024

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Still happening March 2024. And the trick of removing all gear and letting them kill you no longer works because if you are level 70 even if all of your gear is removed they cannot kill you.

Had to Alt F4 the game just to get out.