Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

Oh there’s a gay Shadowlands couple?

Yeah, that’s getting removed in the Chinese version.


And in most cases those people in power are there because we put them there, No one is perfect, nor should we all get along and be mindless zombies. The ability to think for oneself is a gift.
Forcing people to accept that in which they do not believe in is very dangerous, I wish people and governments would see this.


He dunked on homophobes. Taliesin said gay rights.


Well based on that attitude I feel more comfortable trusting history and how it repeats itself than someone who believes everyone will suddenly decided to be ok with the people that want them dead : )

History only repeats if we let it. But making people do or believe in something they are not fully committed to only adds fuel to the engine of hatred.
We need to learn to coexist on our own, not be told to.


Taliesin is stunning and brave.


I can understand why tali said what he said. But does it really matter in this game??? This is world of warcraft, not world of lovecraft. Ppl complaining about any romance in this game is just silly.


All relationships in the game feel forced. It’s like the people who are writing the storyboard don’t know how to flesh out real characters.


Have you seen the amount of tentacles in this game?


None of us care one way or the other. Sounds like he’s just trying to up his views is all.


Agreed, which is why Loti and Raal were such a pleasant and hilarious surprise. Reminded me of how my wife and I interact on a daily basis, and it was a nice change from either the barely talked about or the textbook blinded by love stuff that’s usually there.

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Except he doesn’t understand the issue when people say forced. It’s not “oh look WoW added XYZ to the game, and therefore the game is ruined” (because most people could actually care less about some dumb quest text that gets ignored, maybe people who visit the Goldshire Inn do…), at the moment it feels like almost every single movie, tv show, game, whatever is trying to jam whatever is the current zeitgeist, usually at the detriment to the content. You cannot objectively look at media at the moment and suggest otherwise.

You might be naive enough to believe that companies are doing this for altruistic reasons, but it is simply companies being companies trying to pander to increase their revenue. In essence, SILENCE BRAND.

If it wasn’t, you’d see more movies/content like ‘Love, Simon’, and less tokenised rubbish to appease the unwashed masses.


If these are his points I agree. I’m not gonna watch tali though, he’s bleh.

It’s ok I know some people don’t want to be challenged and what to live in their own bubble xD
Facts are scary I guess xD


Just because it’s done with a less-than-philanthropic reason doesn’t mean that representation and inclusion aren’t important to that community. In a consumer economy, literally nothing is forced down your throat. You have the option to just ignore things that make you uncomfortable or that run counter to your ideals. That’s the freedom you have.

You also have the freedom to create your own content on any platform you desire that is more in line with your ideals. That’s another freedom you have.

Not speaking to you, personally, but in general. You’re just the one who made those specific arguments that really don’t make much sense.


In addition, those small additions of representation are not forced onto the devs like some people like to tell themselves.

The devs themselves often talk and decide that it would be cool if X character was gay for example, nobody told them “we need a gay character in the game”, and most devs working on blizz are pretty progressive so they themselves chose to do it since it is such a minor thing.

It is the same thing as the devs deciding that X minor character is gonna have a wife, but oh god, if a male character has a husband the triggering begins.


Gay people have been in games for years now, this isn’t anything new. I remember trying to hook up two dudes in Deus EX: Invisible War, and that was 17 years ago.

If anything’s insulting to me, it’s the idea that progressive thought has only become a reality in the past few years, like life Pre-2016 is some sort of dark age.

I grew up with movies, tv shows, games, etc, all featuring a wide diversity of characters. From all kinds of backgrounds. But people act like it never happened, like it’s only a recent occurrence. It’s bizarre.


Define “get into power”, because it might not be what you think it is.

The only person i see getting triggered in this thread is you.


I mean we all got the right to dislike someone or something right?. So if u are not pro gay your are a homophobe?