Talent Conditional Tooltip & cleanup

I’ve been trying to make a talent conditional one-button macro for Chi Wave & Chi burst w/ mouseover functionality for Chi Wave. The tooltip breaks when Chi Burst is selected. It functions for casting.

what I have so far
/cast [talent:1/2][mod:alt,@player][@mouseover,nodead,help] [] Chi Wave
/cast [talent:1/3] Chi Burst

I’ve tried variant inclusions of
#showtooltip [talent:1/2] Chi Wave; [talent:1/3] Chi Burst
but nothing seems to work

I’ve also bein taking advantage of the Mercenary Contract faction swap for faster queues. Is there a way to combine racials in a single race conditional macro w/ functional tooltip?

/cast Blood Fury(Racial)
/cast Stoneform(Racial)

this functions but only Blood Fury(Racial) shows a functioning tooltip

[this, and this]
[this] [or this]
/cast [talent:1/3] Chi Burst; [mod:alt,@player] [@mouseover,exists,nodead] [] Chi Wave

The above is setup to assume that if you’re not running Chi Burst then you’re running Chi Wave, allowing for simplification of conditions. If you don’t want to make that assumption then things get more complicated and is where you ran into issues with your attempts.

/cast [talent:1/3] Chi Burst; [mod:alt,talent:1/2,@player] [talent:1/2,@mouseover,exists,nodead] [talent:1/2] Chi Wave
/cast Blood Fury
/cast Stoneform
/run local G=GetSpellInfo SetMacroSpell(GetRunningMacro(), G"Blood Fury" or G"Stoneform")