Take a Timewalk Through Turbulent Timeways

Take a Timewalk Through Turbulent Timeways

Once more, the Bronze Dragonflight has discovered growing disturbances in the timeways, with several rapidly intersecting our own!

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Oh wow, more time walking… :roll_eyes:


Oh no, the horror of having more fun leveling alts.


That is nice but where is COMP STOMP?


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Also, for a limited time, the Timewalking quest available from the weekly quest giver, Archivist Frithrun in Dornugal, will offer an increased reward—a Heroic level Cache of Nerubian Treasures with items level 610-619. The reward upgrade is only available for this special Timewalking event. After Turbulent Timewalking has run its course, the reward returns to ilvl 597-606 Cache of Nerubian Treasures .

My alts thank you!


True, true.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

do you have to do all the timewalking on one character to get the buff…or is that account wide (if i were trying to get mount reward)

I love recycling ol- I mean, time travel! Time travel is what I meant.

(In all seriousness this will be a good catch-up.)

Could we lose Classic TW and replace it with BFA TW?


No need to lose it, they just need to add BfA and SL. I love TW Classic, personally.


Nice little catch up! It’ll help with this character (I’ve been main’ing warrior but forums wont let me switch).

Is there any part of this event that ISN’T running TW dungeons? I have zero interest in any dungeon or raid content unless it’s either solo or follower dungeons. If this is just more dungeon queues, I’ll just pretend the event doesn’t exist.

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I would love it more if it wasn’t just ZF, DeadM, DireM, and Strat.

Nope. That’s what Turbulent Timeways is: a Timewalking dungeon event.

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May give it a go on my Warrior even tho they don’t need the gear.

But looking forward to doing it on my currently-gearing-up Hunter tho. :partying_face:

I’ll run it on my main for the bee mount, or I’ll just run some alts through it for the XP, or…probably both. :smiley:

They have GOT to update and add more dungeons. I’m sick of the same ones over and over again.


I’m confused. Too much coffee or not enough:

This part from the article. Or was it a copy paste mistake?

Don’t Let Time Pass You By

Your character and items will be scaled down to a power level fitting for the challenge at hand, but bosses will yield loot appropriate for your natural level.

Didn’t we just go through the whole

Am I confused? Misremembering?

TW used to be we would scale down to the dungeon, then we didn’t, right? So if we went into say a WoTLK we would be WoTLK level, same as the mobs.

I did my 5 already and I didn’t notice any scaling down.


I’d love to see Legion Timerunning.


May we get BFA time walking please it’s way over do.

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