any experienced meat shields need a home?
Still looking for a few people to fill some key spots
uppies for funsies
posting a reply
I am looking for a new guild that raid F&Sat. Arcane Mage - LennyD on Area52
Hey LennyD …add me on discord (crazy_catz) or bnet (quirk#1650) … happy to chat about it!
Hey! Send me a bnet request. Uri#11265
always looking for more friends!
Back to the top!
up up and away
lfm heroic raiders
Spooky bump, come have fun with us progressing on heroic ansurek!
Ansurek down looking for moar
Still looking for people! Come have fun with us. 8/8H now
times work for me shoot me an invite
knubbins on area52
disc is knubbins#0453
bnet Subiedoo#11716
Bump, still looking for friends. Could really use an ele shammy!
tgif still looking for some shaman love
Back to the top, was a good weekend! Looking for some active DPS!
bring da deeps
LF some dabblers