System message saying I need more memory

I’ve never changed the page file size ever really - even going back as far as Windows 95, which is why I found it strange that manually disabling it would ever come up as a troubleshooting step.

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Good news! Although there may have been a workaround at some point to fixing this issue. A family member surprised me with a stick of extra RAM last night and that seems to have solved the issue. Now when I have the game running and a few browser tabs up it hovers in the 40% usage.

Thanks to everyone that assisted and offered insight, advice and helped me troubleshoot. You guys are the best. Thank you!


I’m glad that worked out for you! Sorry none of our solutions helped :frowning:

Not to worry. I have always been good at somehow having computer issues that are mysteries. lol


You must attract gremlins.

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It really is a “very last resort” step. It’s extremely unlikely to solve any problems, but in the extremely unlikely event your drive either has a bit of corruption where the swap file is stored or the controller is having trouble, it could help. Even then that’s only really for single-drive systems, and who has one of those these days?

Glad you figured it out. I had that same issue when I started playing
Wrath on release day (on my crappy first PC). My brother went and
bought another stick of RAM and installed it. I never had the issue again.

Seems so weird why this happens. I have played on 8gb recently and it was fine, and a lot of users play the game fine with only 8.

What is the common factor here? Some kind of software eating up resources?

Probably, I was playing on 8 but I made sure to keep everything in background shut down

2 gigs of ram on a graphics card lol, and I thought my 6 gigs was bad

Hey at least you didn’t pay $750 for only 10

If your computer is telling you that your are out of system memory it is because you either disabled Virtual Memory or your drive where Virtual Memory is located is out of space.

Go into control panel, system, Advanced system properties → Performance Options → Virtual Memory

Click ‘change’ (not making any changes just so you can see the current settings).

It should show 'Automatically manage paging file size. . . . ’ checked if this is NOT checked it means it’s a custom setting.

If you see drive letters look closely and you will see a drive with ‘System Managed’ that means that drive has a paging file.

If Windows is ‘running out of RAM’ it means your ACTUALY physical RAM is low and there is no place to ‘swap’ to… that’s why it’s complaining.

IF you have more than 1 drive just uncheck ‘Automatic manage . . .’ and locate a fast (SSD preferable) drive with lots of FREE space and choose that to ‘System managed Size’ Automatic (don’t set this value yourself) and then for C: or whatever drive where the CURRENT paging file is to ‘no paging file’ then click ‘OK’

Back out of all open screens by clicking on and reboot your computer that should resolve the issue.

Windows will automatically adjust the paging file to the settings after a reboot and you always want Windows to manage this for you… don’t custom set these settings.