Synthesize A Menagerie of Mounts and Battle Pets in Eternity’s End!

hey Jayne, what website or addon is that? I was looking for it the other day but couldn’t remember

DataForAzeroth, which is a website. I’m not sure if they have some sort of addon.

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why would you say that about solo players? is this gated behind raids and /or dungeons?

ok great, thank you!

My thoughts exactly.


The problem with this system is that just doing stuff in ZM, parts for the forge clog up your bags like nobody’s business.

People thought the anima knicknacks we’ve been getting were bad? You haven’t seen anything yet.


So an expanded version of the Mechagon cat? Also, that name reminded me of my kids favorite tv show pocoyo

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


I was thinking same thing, I liked mechagon as well but was still happy to be mecha-done and win due to having the most minis.

You also have to consider that dataforazeroth is not a parameter of the game population. Also character profiles have to be refreshed every 30 days otherwise they have to be purged from the database (as per rules by blizz).

And no doubt people who have large collections, are the ones being refreshed by themselves (or others envious). While the more casual playerbase will drop off.

That looks interesting but I’m nervous about the requirements.


You beat me to it. DFA does NOT represent the entirety of the playerbase. It is only populated when you go and import your character, and needs to be refreshed by initiating an update for yourself or your guild.

Since it’s a site that caters to obsessive collectors - the sort of people who want to see where they rank on these sort of things, it’s a data set that is already skewed towards the sort of players who would make thousands of attempts on the rocket mount. And still only 1% of them have it.


Ok,do we get more space for these because i’m full.


Yeah I know it is corrupt-a-wish central… but one can hope.

I heard it’s just Al Bhed 2.0.

My poor backpacks are only just recovering from the trauma of holding all the excessive Mechagon knickknacks.

Please tell me that some of this is just a currency so I don’t have to figure out where to put them when my bags are already full from PvE gear, PvP gear, reagents from 4 different Covenants, current-expansion reagents for my profession, legendary armor crafting reagents, non-stacking Korthia research, non-stacking anima items, raid mats, and all of the previous expansion items I’m too terrified to destroy in case they become the lynchpin item of a secret mount quest 2 expansions from now.


Omg,I forgot,more mats? oh no :pleading_face:

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Is this 50 more mounts or is 50 a mix of mounts and battle pets? Cause we completionists would like a new mountain of mounts achieve with all these new mounts you’ve added in SL

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It is terribly low for a mount that has been out so many years and has so many people farming it.


crosses fingers

Please be fun …, please be fun …

Yay just what we’ve always needed but never asked for, non unique mounts and pets we have to farm mats to craft that everyone else will also have. This sounds beyond stupid…spend some of your resources trying to create some semblance of balance in the game instead of throwing more ridiculous nonsense like this at us maybe? Do blizzard employees even play this game at anything beyond a beginner level?

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