Sync queue premades need to be abolished

This does not apply because it does not affect other players. Keep up bud

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Delusional take

a speedrun tournament has more than 1 participant.

Correct where they all agree to do what they are doing. Again, does not apply to wow. The other players are not agreeing to exploit to get the fastest time possible.

the other players being mainly just “you and your ilk”?

You and your “ilk” are not all of pvp players

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my ilk seems to be bigger than your ilk though.

incorrect it’s just your overinflated ego.

nah, you got the same names on the forums the with same old arguments that haven’t lead to any change ever while in game you have multiple communities on both factions all of which are growing.

all of bfa and sl there was basically only 2-3 communities total in epics, its essentially exploded this expac there is all sorts of groups out there. people want to play with their friends and as a group.

Is English your first language ?

Because what you keep posting says nothing about manually pressing the BG join button at the same time as anyone you choose to .

Yes, because everyone else is not playing you buffoon… you are killing the game. But you don’t care because it’s all about you.

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Exploiting go learn what it is bud.

he can read them just fine, the issue is he goes around deciding this or that is unfair and thus cheating. can’t really blame him, that is a terribly written rule, like i said, sniper shot is cheating.

Incorrect. For the third time now, it is Blizzard’s definition of cheating not mine.

you are the one declaring syncing as unfair. blizz was the ones silly enough to write rules so vague that players can subjectively apply them as they see fit.

Again incorrect. Blizzard is. There is nothing vague about the TOS you are just choosing to ignore it.

Manually pressing BG queue is not exploiting.

Calling a dog a cat does not make it a cat

the straw man arguments are getting out of hand. Let me ask you this can you queue as a raid into epic bgs?

"License Limitations. Blizzard may suspend or revoke your license to use the Platform, or parts, components and/or single features thereof, if you violate, or assist others in violating, the license limitations set forth below. You agree that you will not, in whole or in part or under any circumstances, do the following:

Cheating: Create, use, offer, promote, advertise, make available and/or distribute the following or assist therein:

  1. cheats; i.e. methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard (whether accomplished using hardware, software, a combination thereof, or otherwise), influencing and/or facilitating gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods;"

no, the TOS just says players cant use unfair advantages. syncing isn’t unfair as anyone can get friends together and sync, you are basically saying its unfair that i have friends and you don’t, thats not my problem or blizzard’s.