Sync queue premades need to be abolished

i already said the definition you use allows for valid in game situations to be considered cheating. allowing players to report other players who are doing nothing more than playing the game the way the devs intended them to play.

specifically, allowing players to declare any situation that degrades their gaming experience as cheating allows players to simply report anything they don’t like as cheating, since anything they don’t like degrades their personal experience.

this would then mean you can and are allowed to just report hunters for using sniper shot or rogues for stunlocking you to death or what ever else floats sinks your boat.

such a definition is impossible to work with from blizzards point of view, and its likely the result of the person who wrote that section of the TOS was not technical enough to understand what the anti-cheat and security teams actually do.

again syncing isn’t cheating because it doesn’t break any rules, but to answer your question directly: yeah actually, culturally in america we tend to ignore unpopular rules or find ever more minute technical loopholes around them. see the history of alcohol prohibition or gun regulation for any number of examples.

Way back when, you used to be able to queue with up to 39 friends/guildies/randos. Blizzard decided that was too much and reduced the number you were able to queue with down to 5.

Blizzard saw a problem and addressed it.

Queue syncers have decided to exploit the matchmaking system to get their group(s) that exceed the 5 man queue restictions into the same game, be it counting down for party leads to queue to using add-ons that keep track.

You are actively using methods deisgned to get around the restriction blizzard in place and are, by definition, exploiters.

If i hack into a business’s customer database via a poorly patched switch, am i free of consequences because said business didn’t fix the issue?

Try to justify it however you want, it doesnt change the fact that you and your ilk are the bad guys in this whole thing and are actively harming the casual PvP community.


Real world does not apply to this. And you are breaking rules that I have posted multiple time. When you first made a WoW account you signed the TOS and said you would follow them and that you understood the punishment if you did not.

Also, again it’s not my definition is Blizzard’s definition.

Incorrect that is in the game. Raids in non-raid content is not in the game.

at the time all the maps were mixed in a single queue, 40v40 was not its own separate mode. 5 was chose as it was 50% of a 10 man roster, the smallest roster in the rotation at the time. and equivalent for epics would be to allow groups up to 20. but at that point 2 groups is easy to sync into the same map so you might as up it to full raids.

additionally blizzard doesn’t play epics or pvp, we can tell by their changes and lack of changes. but when you look at epics, the players who choose to play that mode because they enjoy it, most of them think the best games are premade vs premade.

you would still be on the hook for hacking, but the business could also be on the hook for negligence depending on the circumstances.

also, odds of you making it to said switch without a backdoor job are slim and none.

only in your head.

Ironic haha

That’s a lot of words to say “I’m a cheater”.

Enjoy GY farming pugs with your weekly conquest capped, just don’t get upset when players start afking en masse than rather deal with you.


no, you post a vague definition and then make up your own claims in order to twist a situation to meet your definition.

people who actually hack and actually cheat, they know exactly what blizzard means, no gamesharks, no aimbots, no memory hacking, no network hacking.

you are over here trying to bend the definition so hard its playing limbo like a champ.


You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.

Again, I fail to see how this is vague in any way. And again… it’s not my definition it’s Blizzards.

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they already tried, when you show up in just about every game and people spend a week afking every night, they give up and start fighting or shift their sleep schedule to play around you. either way, you are shooting yourself in the foot and thinking it hurts me, it doesn’t.

also so there is no confusion on what exploitation is.
In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, or use elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game’s designers, in a way that gives a substantial unfair advantage to players using it .


Ironic haha

Our concern isn’t about you, it’s about the community being harmed by your actions.

Did you read what you just typed? You mention the possibility of people having to change their sleep schedules as to not deal with having to continually face premades, and you can honestly sit there with a straight face, ten toes planted firmly in the ground, and say ya’ll aren’t a problem?

The unmitigated gall


that would be something like using the item restoration service to restore a quest bomb to your inventory and one shot the wintergrasp main door.

syncing isn’t anything special, its basically the result of the queue system and players noticing how it works and gaming it like any other aspect of the game.

I have said it before but talking to this person is like talking to a little kid with chocolate on their face as there swear up and down that they didn’t eat the chocolate lol

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the people im talking about are another premade who moved schedules so they can go back to picking on pugs instead of facing a premade that made them feel like pugs.

Exploiting is exploiting. If a raid was indented to queue into epic bg’s raids would be allowed to queue… but there not. Therefore, by definition you are EXPLOITING the queue system to get your raid into it.


gaming isn’t exploiting.

Yet you still don’t see that you are the problem… yikes. I feel sorry for anyone that gets stuck in a relationship with you.

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Nowhere did I say it was.

well let me give you an example; OG Tomb Raider.

you can find videos on youtube of people speed running this, and they prefer to use an original copy of the game running on original hardware, not emulated, and the reason is that this opens up a bug that lets them essentially jump through walls skipping parts of the map and shaving time off their run. its allowed and this sort of deep game engine knowledge being used and allowed has also been seen with super mario brothers and mario64.

when i think of an exploit, i think of doing stuff like shuffling my udp packets so they arrive slightly out of order making my toon impossible to target for melee. thats a far cry from sync queueing as it requires special software and knowledge.

syncing might as well be teaching someone where to go in the world to find a rare toy.