"Sylvnas" book. Is this an error?

I don’t believe that. Prove it.

I literally did. From The Last Guardian:

Doness, you of all people should know I bring receipts.

All I read was your response to me. Nothing beyond that.

Not sure what that means but I accept this.

I bet all the undead, especially Kel, knew the Jailer was in charge too. Your reference is two secretive wizards? From a book… how long? You are such an apologist.

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  1. the Night elves/Kalimdor were already a know legend in Lordearon. And from Sylvanas book, it seems like there were actual books about them in the Library of Lordearon.

  2. I doubt Khadgar would have kept the information if only because he would likely have told the Alliance everything he learned while with Medivh to help in the war effort.

  3. at best this is a partial retcon. Regardless it is lore from the RTS days that Lordeaeron general population did know about Kalimdor/night elves albeit as legends. A relatively intelligent man who did enough research would probably be able to say it was actual truth, rather then legend.

A known legend to who? Guardians??

Thank goodness we don’t have to rely on you because absolutely did not tell anyone else, we know that.

Bro, you probably couldn’t tell me the borders to your own town, let alone state. Mostly Lordearon residents had no idea what exist outside their own shire.

Arthas, likely the most educated non-arcane user had no idea what Orcs were doing when taking prisoners, so you expect farmer Joe and Jane to know about Kaldorei?

“Sylvnas” book is indeed an error.


At some point soon, the ruling council of the Kirin Tor would demand a full explanation. Khadgar knew they would not be satisfied with less than the truth. And he suspected withholding anything could prove deadly to them all, since it tied so closely to the Horde’s presence and early activites.-Tides of Darkness

So again, Khadgar told the Kirin Tor and likely the rest of the Alliance! Because clearly everyone knew what happened to Medivh. Therefore, people must have learned his story.

He was a knight Captain of Lordaeron, and if there is one thing we all know he was fiercely intelligent. He could clearly have read and done research on the high elves before going to their border. He might have been privy to high level Alliance intelligence because of his rank/the fact he was a spy for the Alliance.

No, medivh actually knew and CONFIRMED it to Khadgar to be gospel truth.

And they’re all mages… Of course they would know this kind of information. It’s what they’re good at.

Sorry but Cytriss is right, Little Johnny the Farmer likely didn’t know about the Kaldorei and wouldn’t have cared anyway, your average citzen had more pressing matters to worry about.

And these mages are blaber mouths and likely told non mages the story. Hence, why it spread as a bed time story for people. (Khadgar mentioning it was an old legend in Lordaeron, not just for mages)

Not when an entire war was indirectly caused by said legend. And again, Nathanos was not just a farmer, he became a knight-captain for a reason.

Nathanos also isn’t your average citzen

Do you even read comments before responding?

Then you supporting Cytriss’ argument does not make sense. It would be another reason why Nathanos would know about the night elf/high elf connection. (something she is adamant he would not have know)

How is Nathanos being a super special Human who was soo special that he’s literally the only human to join the Farstriders, take away from the fact that your average lordaeron citzen wouldn’t know about the Kaldorei?

Every person you mentioned that knows about the Kaldorei is someone super special within the story.

I am not sure what you are even arguing about.

That’s your problem :stuck_out_tongue:

No I think you were caught supporting my argument. Nathanos would have about the kaldorei because he would have been a fairly learned person. The average population WOULD STILL KNOW about the kaldorei, abeit as LEGENDS/STORIES.

Well, on Nathanos we agree that him better educated than your average person would have known about them.

I just don’t see your average lordaeron citzen knowing about the Kaldorei, even as legends. Most are simple farmers and such, thus barely educated enough to read

Even less educated people love telling stories. So again, the Kaldorei were effectively common folk tale/tales people told at the tavern.

They wouldn’t have access to the same libraries that the nobles and the magi of Dalaran have though. So you still failing to explain how they would even know of the kaldorei to even begin to tell stories about them

Unless some hedge magi/dalaran magi had some case of Loose Lips and was telling stories, like some sort of Gandalf character