Sylvanas Sabotage

I can’t stand it, Sylvanas planned it,
I’m gonna set it straight, Teldrassil-Gate
I can’t stand questing when I’m in here,
Cuz BfA’s plot ain’t so crystal clear
So while you sit back and wonder why
I’m asking “when the Jailer gonna die?”
Storytelling is a mirage,
Afrosalami did sabotage!!


damn is this eminem

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Metzen’s last thing he worked on was the Lordaeron cinematic, i.e. it was developed first

Metzen was surprised Sylvanas was burning Teldrassil

Meaning Afriasiabi, the second Metzen left, shoved Teldrassil-Sylvanas down the entire team’s throats, and the entire team somehow chose to go along with it

If you notice, the Old Soldier cinematic doesn’t reference the burning of Teldrassil at all except for 8 seconds, 3 of which use the paper illustration with some photoshop filters, and 5 seconds of Saurfang yelling at Sylvanas with no background and red lighting.

Moreover, with the confirmation they hadn’t planned the details of Teldrassil except that Sylvanas was burning it at the time of Blizzcon, makes Ion’s statement of “wait and see, ask yourself why is Sylvanas there, it isn’t what you think” a bold faced lie.


I’m taking it as confirmation Lordaeron did, in fact, come first and we were supposed to have, in fact, an Everyone Is Fascist expansion


Its actually on brand.
Women hating is not going around saying or thinking “grr women bad” its more being dismissive and completely oblivious to their own actions.
They are objects and tools to further a goal or a desire rather than a person or group that you hate. Takes a lot of energy to actually hate something.

As for the story. The hateful idiot probably did not care one bit, maybe making a Sylanas villain was a pay back against another dev that made garrosh a villain but I doubt he thought about the consequences of his decisions for more than 2 minutes.

And we are all left holding the bag.
He is probably the reason why in Cataclysm Alliance got shafted with their bad content because the guy is a massive Garrosh/Horde fanboy.


Not going to lie, fam.

it is awfully convenient that the Garbage that is Sylvanas’ story is suddenly being framed as if it was the sole responsibility of the obvious scapegoat, despite Blizzard not doing anything to course correct long after he left the Company.

As if Danuser hasn’t been the senior Narrative Dev for almost a Decade. Unless the story is Danuser locks himself in his office with his Sylvanas figurines, and thus never knew about the sexist environment at the Company. I am not convinced that this “theory” isn’t just a clever marketing ploy to push responsibility off onto Alex so they can pretend they are a “new” and “inclusive” Company.

This is the same company that gave us “Boring Thanos” (And MCU Thanos isn’t even that good. “You can’t starve if you are already dead” isn’t a complex character motivation. I don’t care what anyone says.) And made Sylvanas and Anduin the boring versions of Gamora and Nebula. And presented it to as as the “Great Finale of Warcraft since WC3” COINCIDENTALLY when FFXIV was presenting their expansion as the same “Finale” expansion.

ALL of Shadowlands is Plagerized, from the Story, all the way down to the Marketing Strategy.


Per this video, Danuser was still on Legion quests when a good chunk of BfA was written. This seems less like absolving the current team and more pointing out that clinching incident. It also seems to be the result of a sort of buildup, something that started even in Legion. Afrasiabi’s leadership style for the narrative is said to be ‘treat every expansion like it’s the last’, which we do actually see in Legion as well, where so many plot threads get wrapped up at once that there was almost no mythos left to explore and major plot points are introduced and then just… never followed up.

It reads less like tossing all the blame on Afrasiabi and more like he made a mess and the remaining story team wasn’t talented enough to pull themselves out of it.


danuser take the lead narrative designer after legion

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Bellular even covers this subject. I went this Tali first mostly because I find Bellular boring to listen to :sleeping:


This is why I am now going to give him and his team the benefit of the doubt. As there are other examples of inexperienced or even experienced writers thrusted into a position where they have to salvage something from a pile of garbage. Sometimes it comes out great (Emperor’s New Groove for example), other times it doesn’t. It all depends if the higher ups want to keep certain plot elements from the original story pitch in the revised version and how long they are willing to give the new team to work on it. It is always difficult to take someone elses work and try to make it fit.

But as I said in one of my previous posts in this thread. If the next expansion, which should be Danuser and co. original work, ends up the same like Shadowlands. Then what I have said in the past about him and his team stays.

So he is responsible for the story of BFA and SL.

You are acting like Blizzard begins development of the next expansion the moment the current one ends.

no, at best his work is everything at 9.1 and beyond

Okay, so even worse then lol.

How can you be bored with that accent? :smiley:


I don’t think we will know how much blame Danuser should have until the next expansion.

I don’t think they care at this point.

Trying to take a neutral view until we get more info = defending him all the way by the looks of it.

As far as Danuser goes, I don’t think we need to wait for the next expansion. Afrasiabi was taken off the WoW team when BfA was still in development. That means he and his bad ideas were limited to what was there when BfA launched. Maybe, MAYBE, you can stretch it as far as the Azshara patch. That’s being very generous, though. Either way, Shadowlands is entirely on Danuser and the current team. 100%.


It’s current team working with inherited story, though, as opposed to coming up with their own.

That said, never forget that Danuser is the one who called season 8 of GoT “brilliant.”


That’s the thing, though. There was nothing concrete set up for Shadowlands in BfA. Just vague hints like the Tauren heritage questline. Certainly nothing from when Afrasiabi left the team. So the story team could’ve handled Shadowlands however they wanted. The only inherited story was “Sylvanas is serving death”. We didn’t know her motives, we didn’t know the Jailer existed, none of it. We know that Shadowlands underwent some big changes throughout its development, and that was looong after Afrasiabi was off the team. We also know from Ion that the current storyline in 9.1 wasn’t even decided on until well after Shadwlands had launched.

Everything we know points to Shadowland’s story being a result of the current story team, not Afrasiabi.


Personally, I’m glad they didn’t go with the French accents for the Nightborne. Unless they were going to cast actual English-speaking French voice actors to do the work, it would probably sound like an awful caricature.

Also, as a side note: WoW is notoriously bad with upholding its own linguistic conventions. For instance, Tyrande was born and raised in Suramar, yet has an accent that is bizarrely unlike any found in Suramar, or even among the Night Elves of Kalimdor. Characters like Sylvanas and Shandris regularly go in and out of American/British accents at random.