Sylvanas Redemption in Shadowlands - Why it will happen

I was upset about Teldrassil. I was upset that we didn’t hold on to the ruined night elf lands. I was looking forward to having a new dark gloomy undead zone to replace Tirisfal. It feels like a slap in the face that the night elves can rebuild stuff after we had made so much progress.

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You most likely did get Ashenvale.

Honestly anything that gets the larger, non-forum WoW community to complain about the story is good in my book. This franchise needs a hard reboot with writers that are at least semi-competent. The sooner Blizzard realise that the better.


I don’t think you’re actually serious, but the writers seem to think that the Forsaken playerbase would rather have an ugly plague infested and diseased forest in place of a fun haunted spooky one like you would see in Drustvar.

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I don’t give a rat’s butt about whatever tripe Blizzard has in store for her. I want her out of the Narrative, and her rotting boy-toy too. Them being in it is literally the only reservation I have about Shadowlands.


Varian died

Blizzard never said Sylvanas was morally grey they said the horde was

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Question. If Sylvanas’s redemption were to involve freeing the nelf souls from the Maw, would that be more acceptable?

Asking for a friend.

It would be more acceptable than what they have most likely planned already: A Sylvanas redemption without freeing the souls from the maw.

Still not acceptable though. I always thought that genocide and torture was evil, especially against innocents.

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Not to me, anyway.

This isn’t just because of the night elves. She has systematically waged war against life. And, seriously…free the night elf souls from the maw?

The ones that she put there?

I don’t get redeemed for putting out a fire that I started. Especially if I made sure as many people died as possible, for my own personal reasons. And then I set like a billion other fires, trying to make sure I burned as many people as possible; especially the orphans.

They dove in 100% to making her…I can’t even say Lex Luthor, because Lex Luthor has some depth. (One of) The pivotal mistake they’re making with her is that they’re just making her more and more evil, and not giving anyone any information about why. “There’s a shadowy deal”. What kind? “Shaaadoooowwwyyy”.

It sets a precedent that already makes people start bracing themselves for the bollocks they’re going to pull and pretend that this made sense. Like that she somehow has been working on this plan since the end of Wrath of the Lich King. Somehow. Despite the increased scrutiny she was under after the Wrathgate. Remember when they had orc guards in Undercity? Because they didn’t trust her? And they were examining everything she did with a fine toothed comb?

Heck, remember Undercity?

It just adds up to fatigue. I don’t like Sylvanas, but it’s not that I hate her. I’m just done with her. I just want her to go away.

The last thing I want to see is them coming up with some way that I’m going to have to deal with her again. Some claptrap about how she saved the world, and everyone else is wrong, and if they had known her master plan they would have worked with her, but they’re too stupid to understand how awesome and cool and rad she is, and that includes the players, because you’re too stupid even if you pledged your loyalty to her, because she’s awesome and amazing and all the other stuff written when someone’s 13.


I’m pretty sure Amadis can find an interview saying otherwise.

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its probably the one from the diablo dev, who hardly worked on bfa, and left blizzard shortly after, but Ion never said it

sylvanas will ascend to jailer of the damned in dramatic irony; she won’t be the litch king or doomed to the maw but instead overseeing it forever

it’s the only fulfilling thing they can do. shove her in hell for all eternity as some combination of the arbiter and the jailer.

“killing” characters loses a lot of appeal and meaning when the expansion takes place in the death realm. any major resolutions have to be “bound to this or that for eternity”

While I understand the rationale they have for that?

On an intense personal level, I need that not to happen.

Not just because “oh, look, this means that you might end up encountering her again down the line”; though that is definitely one of my major concerns.

I don’t want this because it’s another case of her getting away with something. She has acted with absolute impunity for far too long. And the consequence of that? You go to the place you hate…but as the essential god of that domain.


I’m sorry, no. That defeats the entire point of her being afraid of going back there. Especially because that means that she’s going to somehow get one over on the being that Blizzard is setting up as clearly one of the most powerful entities to ever exist.

Seriously, at that point, Sylvanas may as well be taking our real life spouses while legally draining our bank accounts. Somehow.

You cannot satisfactorily end the story of Sylvanas Windrunner without her facing some kind of terrible judgment. This can’t be “I was right all along”, or “in time, they’ll understand”, or “maybe I made a bad decision, but my heart was in the right place”. No. She needs to be stuck in Tartarus, chest deep in water that moves away when she tries to take a sip.

Ending in any other way is borderline insulting.


Hasn’t this expansion accomplish that?


she isn’t going to die. not in a death themed expansion and her getting exactly what she fears is a bit too brutal for this type of fiction. if she were a GoT character, yea her arc would be her dying unceremoniously and being greeted by whatever she feared.

if the whole tree burning hadn’t been almost 100% written off i would think she’s a raid boss but she’s far more powerful; she’s exists in quest and scenario land where major characters are able to delete armies and be memes.

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Sylvanas getting “Redeemed” at this point would be a major hat out of a rabbit thin air plot twist by this point. she had several chances to “Redeem” herself, and this last one even ended with her attempting to genocide a species for power/to satisfy her need to cause others pain. For a person like that Revendreth would just be more fuel to the fire to their already raging narcissistic inferno of denial and projectionism. The best way to “punish” someone like that would be to give them the Canon Maiev dying in a desert a failure treatment and end them without fanfare or even more than a small sliver of acknowledgement. only replace desert with dark dismal afterlife Maw. A most fitting fate would be not only being trapped IN the maw, but somehow also winding up as a soul devoured as well, like maybe instead of Sylvanas backstabbing The jailer; he betrays her?


This would be something fitting. Showing that, you know, maybe she’s not smarter than something that predates the Titans.

No, I don’t mean like some kind of graphic depiction. Something as simple as her falling into, like, some dark pit. Maybe about to climb out, and then Arthas grabbing her by the shoulder and saying “No.”

[Cut to look of abject terror on Sylvanas’ face as Arthas Death Grips her back into her own personal hell]

I mean, if you want bonus points, you could have Tyrande/Genn/Anduin/any of the hundred thousand people she’s betrayed be the one to push her in the pit in the first place.


Gonna say a nope to that, because then there’s room to sympathize with Sylvy. After all, Arthas was the one who turned her into a banshee, Arthas was the one who killed her people way before she killed purple elves, and Arthas was ultimately her abuser. Have anyone else drag her into pseudo-Hell, but having it be her own past tormentor just doesn’t vibe well.

Make it Saurfang. Make it any of the nelves who she killed. There are so many more satisfying options.


I respect your position.

Still. I, myself, would find it supremely satisfying if it was Arthas. Finding out that everything she did just didn’t matter. All the steps she’d taken, all the people she betrayed, the planning, the scheming, all of that? Didn’t mean squat. In the end, still taken by Arthas.

In short, the person who waged a war against hope? Had no hope.

There’s something poetic in that, and I’m a sucker for that kind of ironic punishment.

You want to crush hope? Cool. Let’s start with yours.

Now, I know we can’t do this, but…I would love nothing more than for her to end up enslaved as a banshee or whatever to Arthas again, but realizing that it was never, ever going to end. That there was no hope of her breaking free. That for the rest of existence, she lost. And she was acutely aware of that. She had spurned anyone who would help her. So that’s where she was. End of her days.

Chest deep in water, unable to drink.