Sylvanas into a High Elf again

How about we take Sylvanas and burn her into an effigy of ashes. Throw her on top of ash heap of the tree fort. At least people will delight in the irony while we purge the rest of the night elves.

A think a new thought to focus on is what happens to the Forsaken w/o Sylvanas? Who takes over? Will that person be able to command the same loyalty?

If curing the “undead plight” results in being changed back to “normal”. Do the bodies recontruct themselves? Technically these beings died, why should they be offered a new chance at life?

Need more alcohol, this sh** is deep.

Sure, because that totally happened when Arthas did that with Kel’thuzad and it worked out oh so well for us. How about instead we just give our fallen Ranger General the cremation and burial she deserves?

Little some I wrote:

Nathanos rolled his eyes and smiled slightly, “You do realize that our warchief will most likely want to turn every human into an undead, right?”

I laughed slightly, “Nathanos, I’m an elf, you do realize that, don’t you?”

Nathanos nodded, “It’s kind of hard to miss, your point?”

“My point is that I’m a troll descendant, a race of people that are not immortal. Elves really came to be after the Well of Eternity was created and this was our bridge to immortality. As we are now we are considered beautiful to all the mortal races and I know that other races are jealous of what we have. But think about how the other trolls might of thought of us when we made that first change. When we didn’t have tusk, when we started standing upright, and when we had more fingers. I’m sure there were people, trolls that thought of this was a deformity, a disgusting mutation, and an abomination to the laws of nature.”

Nathanos looked away and nodded his head.

“Humans are finally ascending and as it looks now, it’s grotesque, but when you have eternity to work with, you fine ways to improve. Also, people’s opinion can change once they see what you can do and build. When I was a child I would see artisans spend weeks on a single painting or carving. My family’s ships took years to craft, not only the boats themselves, but the carvings and patterns… one slip of the hand, one splash of irremovable paint, and it might be such a big problem or eyesore that the project would start all over from the beginning. We had all the time in eternity and our kingdom was a reflection of that sort of perfection. It wasn’t just craftsmanship’s, but dance, cooking, swordplay, martial arts, theater, entertainment, and writing. I mean I understand why mortal races have made so many changes in these short years. They only have a little bit of time, you try so hard to do as much as you can during that time, but I also know what that feels like. I’m 26 and I shouldn’t look the way I do now, I shouldn’t have passed my first blood until I was in my 30’s, but it came when I was 13.”

Nathanos nodded, “Most human women get that around that time you know, but it does bother me sometimes that I’ll never be able to procreate.”

“But can you still…?” I hinted.

He nodded, “I can, and it still quite pleasurable, but I don’t have that drive I used to when I was alive.”

I laughed, “Have you ever wondered why Tyrande and Malfurion, some of the oldest elves on Azeroth have had no children?”

Nathanos shrugged slightly, “Hadn’t really thought about it, but that does raise a few questions. Maybe they do have kids, just none that we have heard about.”

I shrugged, “Well a few millennium’s and I’m sure the undead will figure something out.”

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Let’s do the Chrono Trigger method, go back in time and switch out Sylvanas with a doll version of her for Arthas to “kill” then bring her alive self back to the current timeline. You should see Arthas’s face as he stabs a doll…


She is dead already .lich king killed her :joy:


That’s good enough reason to burn their tree down…For the Horde!

Instead of Garrosh 2.0, they should make her Illidan 6.0!

That will get them out of the corner they’ve written themselves into!


Undead can still get it up!? :scream:

Doesn’t everyone?

Wait so the void is bad for the sunwell but throwing a vessel of pure death is awesome for it?!? Hopefully the BE leadership has a bit more common sense.

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Raising Kel’thuzad just corrupted the Sunwell. Kael’thas and frends had to destroy it.

They do, we don’t want anythin’ nasty touching our light juice

It’s one little corpse. What’s the worst that could happen?

Kel’thuzad is probably a name you should look up. It didn’t go so well when Arthas throw that “one little corpse” in there did it…

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No! /waggles finger

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That was before Velen dropped a dead Naaru into it. It’ll turn out much better this time. Trust me.

Pretty please?

the finger has been waggled…discussion over

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I know you’re secretly an agent of the scourge, you aren’t doing a very good job at hiding it!

Am not.


I’m an independent contractor.