Sylvanas from BfA onwards may have been the result of a dev spat in the Cosby Suite

He was very self-conscious of his chest-hole being out all the time and people like you staring at it and his nips.

So self-conscious in fact that even after finally getting his shirt, he realized it was not enough. No being should suffer the indignity of having their chest-hole exposed to the world. And only he, Jailvaal, the Zo, Captain Nips of Mawtown, Keeper of the Chest Hole could prevent this humiliation from happening to others. Only he had the power to remake the world and cover all chest-holes across the entire universe!!

See what you did by staring?


I didn’t say it was a good solution just that it happened to be the best one at this point. Teldrassil ruined the Horde and pissed off the Night Elf fans, the former in particular was damage I just can’t see being undone short of a retcon. How do you ever have the moral high ground again after your faction participated in a genocide? It’s going to colour the Horde forever.


Even Azeroth’s Mens Big And Tall doesn’t cover skyscraper sized beings from beyond our plane of reality.

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Night Elves:
Bring Every soul back to get rezzed over time. So the healing is slow rather than a cheap magic wish.
World revamp with emphasis on NE stregth and more assurances on protection so they don’t feel as exposed and weak because of BFA.
Have cinematic for them to show healing and stregth. Could be linked to leveling or main story.
A good rule to follow is to look at what they did in Shadowlands and BFA and if it resembles that then its wrong and they have to start over.
A new capital city either in Hyjal or Moonglade.

Turn over the loyalists to Alliance or NEs for justice.
Blame them for holding people hostage and forcing everyone else to follow Sylvanas.

Start a horde purge storylines that purges more of the evil elements within the Horde that kidnapped people, hid the truth, blackmail and threats that made the good Horde blind or incapable of acting against Sylvanas before it was too late.
Call this group “The New Shadow Council” that Sylvanas had revived to do her bidding. When Sylvanas returns to the Horde she will be actively dismantling this organization just as Thrall was trying to dismantle the Burning Blade organization.

World revamp for Horde as well where they stay the EFF away from the Night Elves and we focus on imperialist Humans and Dwarves on their lands. Maybe some third party organizations. Make the Horde the underdog again that is fighting for their own survival and re-affirming their identity.
For hopefully the final effing time.

Sylvanas returns.
Lordaeron is a ruin and a new city is built in its place with the blight acting as a toxic fuel to power their forsaken engines. The blight doesn’t go away since we established that but maybe it can be directed rather than cloud and liquid death.

Sylvanas returns but has to earn her place again. She and Calia and Voss form a council that deals with the different functions of Forsaken needs. With the Lichking gone and the Jailer gone there are many Scourge who might have regained their minds that need to be directed. Each lady could have an office like administration, law, war and whatever seems appropriate.

General Lore:
Zereth Mortis remakes Shadowlands.
Whatever we knew dies with our departure.
The system might be similar but it will be different.
The System of death and rebirth will continue as the mysterious first ones intended but the we won’t see the new version.
With Shadowlands and Jailer finally put back in their place the balance with the cosmic forces returns to balance and our meddling will no longer be necessary or allowed.

We return to being humble adventurers that kill boars and wolves for a living and who on rare occasions are back to fighting or helping the tools of the cosmic forces like Old Gods, Naruu, Elementals or Wild Gods.

This took me like 10 minutes to write.
Call me biased but I think given enough time and some professional writers we can make something thats better than “It never happened, don’t worry about it.”

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So basically a mediocre judgmental kick in the nuts for anyone who is a Horde fan where they lose anything else meaningful they had left? Yeah I’m sure they’d love that. In case you forgot Sylvanas had full support from the Horde even after Teldrassil. You want to excise the bad elements that’s everyone who wasn’t a rebel which was shown to be a vast minority.


How is this a judgmental kick in the nuts?
Orgrim took down a shadow council
Grom took down a shadow council
Players and Thrall took down a shadow council (Burning Blade)
And Sylvanas making a shadow council is totally within her character to do to make sure everything ran smoothly.

Its a bad organization that explains why the Horde was unable to act faster. It puts them back in underdog position that they have always identified with. And the humans and dwarves bieng imperialistic gives them a good enemy to make their stand against.
If they don’t touch the genocide victims they are not further victimizing their victims.

I struggle to think how any of this further injures horde’s honor and integrity.

I already explained that.

Honestly this is more in line with her. I mean she was all “shoot first and only first” back in WC3. Even her freeing of Illidan can be seen in line with this. She did the whole guilt by association to the humans because they were fighting alongside the orcs and the orcs killed Cenarius. Malfurion even wanted to unite their forces with the “outsiders” since they are clearly fighting the same enemy. Tyrande on the other hand did not.

But I will admit that if blizzard was drawing from her characterization in WC3 for that scenario, they failed in the execution.


On the flipside, Garoosh had purposely sent her forces to be broken on the Gilnean wall the same way that Garithos had used the Blood Elves back in Reign of Chaos. He was deliberately destroying her people by putting them in an untenable military situation.

The Horde is loaded with races that are just as adept in the night, orcs, undead, trolls, etc.

The problem with that is that from the viewpoint of the Horde players, THEY were the winning side.

Save that what was canon for the Horde player’s mission tables had the Horde winning if the player succeeded in their table missions.


What, aren’t you excited for another good Horde vs bad Horde scenario in which we purge the evil elements and so they team up and make a brand new evil group of their own that we have to defeat in the next expansion with the help of the Alliance ?
I sure am


Its been around since Vanilla (See the Burning Blade) and the Black Rock Clan when you get to later levels.

Its nothing new and completely absolves the Horde from taking action against Sylvanas.
Because they couldn’t.

And you won’t be helping the Alliance, just cleaning house.

Yes it’s nothing new and we’re all sick of that scenario I think. Time for something new now.


I support new.
I don’t support another interview lore dump that amounts to the last two expansions were a hallucination and didn’t happen.

They did happen and Blizzard better make it right and fix it.
It is literally their job.

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You mean you arent excited for the horde tearing itself apart and cleaning house for the 5th time now?

Much fun for horde players. Much moral grayness. end sarcasm


But that is nothing unique. We know most of the Horde’s experience fighting the Kaldorei has been against civilian lead militia (We know this from the Tides of Vengence panel, when answering a question regarding the Orc’s “No single night elf could do all that.” )

And that is trash writing.

Yes, but the Horde did not even have a naval presence in WoT. They decided to trudge through thousands of miles of dense forest instead of utilize their supposed “superior” navy and just sail around Kalimdor.

But they should have been.

You are defending trash storytelling by using the same trash reasonings that make the story trash in the first place.


Making half of a continent inaccessible to a half of the playerbase is a bad idea, especially in a game where stuff like wpvp exists.

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How would you fix it then?

Out of curiosity?

The Horde player can still go up there and do jobs for NPCs.
I actually want the faction barriers to break so we can all quest together.

What you won’t be seeing are orcs and other Horde races with great machines chopping down trees, burning the forest floor and killing sentinels.
I think that would be a much bigger judgmental kick in the nuts for the Horde than cleaning their house of their evil wrong doers which they have been trying to do since vanilla.

Thats the neat part. You don’t.
You just pretend the problem never existed.
Its a very human response to just detach yourself instead of dealing with a problem because the former is easier to reconcile.


Honestly, if I had to choose between faction conflict and dealing with furbolgs who got corrupted for the 1258th time because something farted in the forest, I’d choose the faction conflict.


That’s a good point.

lol, and the Jailer’s nipples were the most intimidating thing about him.

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I welcome another furblog plague if it means I can finally quest in a zone that is not on fire from the elementals or from the Horde catapults.
I think some places like Ashenvale and other Night Elf lands have earned a rest from the faction conflict.
If there has to be conflict there then make it about some splinter loyalist faction that the Horde player or the new Horde version 4.0 doesn’t have anything to do with.

Ashenvale should and other NE lands should be about healing and fixing the land… and big beautiful fortresses that ensure another Horde invasion won’t be as easy as last time. And for the writers to stop making us eat that poo sandwhich.
Night Elves have been the Horde punching bag for 15 years. Its time to let them win and then leave them alone.

We can make regional conflicts though.
Barrens, Lordaeron, Redridge, Southern Durotar, Feralas and etc… could all be potential locations for small regional conflicts.