As cheesy as it might be, I’d rather just see Teldrassil and Undercity come back. Teld would be because of the whole “nature grows back” schtick while UC could mirror it as the city itself “returning from the grave”.
I would love for them to regrow Teldrassil and have the Forsaken turn the Undercity into a flying Necroplis.
We all know that there’s now a Human-Supremist Scarlet Crusader in charge of the lore-dev team at the moment taking what opportunities they can to take a dump on Forsaken, along with some left overs for the Horde.
There’s been a lot of corruption, but has there really been that much mind control? The only example I can think of is Garona, and that was a long time ago (in fact, it wasn’t even WoW, just Warcraft).
I always get a little sad when I think of the Affliction/Moonkin Mage Tower quest. I have to kill the good brother who is pretty much mind controlled.
That fight always stuck with me. Killing that nice boy because of his bastard brother bothered me more than burning Teldrassil.
There’s not a huge difference between the two as I see it. At least with how WoW uses “corruption” or “driven mad” to mean “completely re-writes the character’s personality so that they serve a master they’d never willingly choose to”.
For example, how is the Nightmare corruption we saw in the Nightmare raid different from illusory powers? It made Cenarius believe Malfurion and the raid were servants of the nightmare coming to destroy Moonglade.
Fair enough. I think a villain who’s actually mind-controlled (as in total domination) would be kind of refreshing. It would raise some interesting questions about how to deal with them.
It could, but we’ve seen how Blizzard deals with it. It is usually “knock them out instead of kill them, then we fix it with good magic”.
I get where you’re coming from though. Mind control can be an interesting plot development if it is done well. But the moral quandary of “should we kill them” is mostly resolved by WoW’s incredibly arbitrary magic system where some corruption can be undone while other corruption cannot, even from the same source.
Like. Why could we save Cenarius but not Ysera? They were literally corrupted by the same corruptive energy. I guess maybe the Tear of Elune, but then why did we have to kill Ursoc but not Cenarius? We even fight them in the same raid.
Edge of Night felt like a thing they did when they forgot how relevant she was to the Lich King story. She should have been central to the thing, or at least had more exposition in ICC.
Her entire arc as we knew it was based on revenge against the guy who was the xpac big bad, and she wasn’t there to complete it.
I was as sick as anyone else of her consequence free edgelord act, but “villain who is smarter than everyone, which necessitates everyone being written as idiots” is… spiritually taxing.