SV should return its trap Master roots

I miss snake trap.

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SOrry I remember it against Lich King. MM was the best on Single Target becoz of Armor Pen / Piercing Shots. But on AoE, they are easily beaten by Unholy DK’s on Damage Meter. Survival Hunter however has equivalent DoTs/Trap/Volley like the DK’s. Trap Mastery 3/3 was 30% increase on Trap Damage. T.N.T. 3/3 has also 6% increase Trap damage. And some MM talents concerning Improved Stings can be accessible with Survival specs with some points on MM. And switching of specs can be done before Boss fights. I had Unholy DK with topnotch AoE DPS on Lich King then and my Hunter could do equal AoE damage when I switch to Survival.

The name Survival then was Master of Traps. And they were really Master of Traps. And Survival Hunters then doing dungeons not laying a single trap. That was an issue. And most Hunter raiders on WoTLK are Marksman. I remember there are 3 fights in ICC where MM sucks. And that’s where I switch to Survival… such fight includes Lich King fight.

You’re probably remembering the pre-patch. Sometimes I get abilities mixed up, too, when I was really remembering pre-patches. :slightly_smiling_face:

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You probably remember it on LK due to 4.0 prepatch.

Like I said, I can’t speak definitively about the relative AoE strength back then. But all those buffs to Explosive Trap need to be stacked up against MM’s buff to Volley. Volley was a far bigger source of our AoE damage back then. Any damage buff to Volley was going to be far more valuable than buffs to Explosive Trap.

Improved Stings was not taken by SV unless you had the Tier 9 set bonus.

It’s pretty egregious to say MM sucked on Lich King. The world first kill of Lich King heroic had 2 Hunters, both were MM. Even if SV was better at AoE due to Explosive Trap, which I still sincerely doubt, it’s still primarily a single target fight and MM was ahead on single target due to armour penetration.

If I recall correctly, MM sky rocketed at the end of wrath due to how armor pen values worked. I remember using it solely in arena at the time since it gained a lot of value against plate wearing classes like warriors and DKs at the time.

My enjoyment of the hunter class only existed during the expansion survival was master of trapping. It was the flow and flavor of it that really stood out to me. Sadly,the spec didn’t last long in that iteration else I’d likely still be playing it.

This would incredibly op in pvp.

This would be awesome!

I personally would prefer explosive trap does no damage so I can reposition ccd targets my self.

This would actually make it harder for some to consistently trap enemy healers in pvp as it puts the trap cd under the diminishing return for it.

Pretty unique idea though which are always welcome.

No more OP than DH imprisonment

Which is why the ability for trap seeker can be toggled on and off.

Yea I dont think so, imprison has half the range.

It still wouldn’t be as strong and even if it was would SV be that OP? its not like its a stun?

How would not be as strong? It would be as easy to use with double the range.

Also survival isn’t weak because of trap being a “skill shot”.

I imagine they’d resolve the issue but reducing the total time someone could be trapped while using this passive and it’d be addressed.

Its blizzard…

Are you saying that using the passive would make the trap have a shorter duration? If so, why would anyone do that?

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Might help some people who have troubles breaking 1500 for pvp xD.

I honestly don’t see what the benefit to this would be. From my perspective, the crowd that really likes the traps being weaved into rotations like that they aren’t just regular targeted abilities. For PVP, this would be pointless for anyone who already knows how to use traps well.

The target audience for this just seems a bit small to me I suppose?

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If we are going to get something like a targeted trap, we should just get Freezing Arrow instead. Share a cooldown with Freezing Trap, and freeze the target directly (like Polymorph, Imprison, Shackle Undead, etc) rather than involving traps at all.

Given there are no cooldowns on any of the other full disable CCs like that (possibly excepting Sap given Stealth is a requirement), I don’t really see how this would be OP.

I’d also like to see Diamond Ice made available to all 3 specs, and in PvE as well, allowing the Hunter to break it early via targeted direct damage (e.g. not DoTs or Barrage/Explosive Shot/Explosive Trap/Volley/Chakrams pass through damage, etc).

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There are some very nice ideas here, but using traps in your dps rotation is a huge no-no… I still have nightmares from Kin’garoth where my traps would randomly not reach target or would be straight up unusable for whatever reason.

And if they were replaced with autimatically flying to target like any other ranged ability, they would no longer be traps. It would lose all identity.

Agree on more cc/utility traps though

With this you get the reticle on keypress, which you can use to show the max range of the trap throw. If the target is out of range, you can move closer, then fire the trap by releasing the button.

@cursor and always be aware of where your mouse is. That’s how it was usually back then, but as with kin example (and yes sometimes even with basic clicking trap it would fail), traps in dps rotation is a clunky mechanic and should not exist.

Heck how many times clips from players like bicmex were posted where traps would randomly jump onto random terrain like the top of tol’vir arena :confused:

I agree, my point is that sometimes where you see the cursor isn’t where the trap actually goes.

In spires, on Devos’ platform, there is geometry on the altar and in the air that will intercept your trap, causing it to get stuck instead of landing on the ground where you expect. Earlier in spires, you might want to trap a Warden or Mender, and some of those traps can get super dicey due to patrol paths, so you want to be at EXACTLY max range when you throw it. This is harder to determine given the stairs all over the place.

Showing the reticle solves those issues, but then requires two keypresses to activate…unless you use the macro/addon solution I posted above.

Agreed on traps in combat being clunky and unfun, plus thematically complete nonsense, which is part of the reason I am so vehemently opposed to Soulforge Embers.

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Tbh while cool, all traps are crap…