SV hunter last in dps charts

Any thoughts?

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that doesn’t look good, not sure how blizz will balance SV damage,
Can Either buff our Bombs or Kill Commands,

Looks like SV will be low for a couple seasons and maybe in the later seasons like in shadowlans we’ll get a buff.

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My thought is sv is a trash spec that shouldn’t exist. I hope it stays last forever.


I really think they had SV hunter nailed in S4 of Shadowlands.
Sure they were a meta class for M+, but they had the playstyle absolutely down.

It was super fun to play then they just threw it out?


Its actually really good in raid right now if you care about single target and have 4 set.

In aoe its kinda bad especially on sustained aoe or burst aoe. You kinda want something in the middle of the 2 so you can dump all your charges and go back to single targeting.
Which is why its down with all the other single target specs right now.

Wouldnt say its bad though unless you also consider all the other single target specs bad.

If blizzard sees that and decides to buff it i would be pretty happy though.


Honestly I’m kind of ok with the least played spec being the worst DPS.


I’d love to go back to MoP, ranged survival needs to make a come back


About a 15% loss vs top spot relative to SV.

What % delta would be acceptable for class balance across the board?

It would be impossible to have every class within a few % so what is an acceptable window of throughput?

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Yeaaaahhhhh how about all three Mage and Warlock specs below the median. That seems like the bigger issue.

OP posted 95% mythic like that’ll ever be attainable or relevant for 99% of the community.

Heroic and Normal both have Survival not last with the provided metrics (95%, 1 week, all bosses) and there’s an 8% spread On heroic between last, Elemental, and the top non-outlier, Devastation, with Unholy & Arcane being another 3-5% above Devastation. Based off that, the balance is pretty solid.

That doesn’t fit the narrative though.


From what I heard the borrowed power of S4 Shadowlands took a tactical nuke to the spec’s flow and playstyle. It threw out all the cohesion for just Wildfire Bomb and Kill Command spam.

People came to it for the damage, not the gameplay.


Yep, this is correct. It wasn’t really fun, you’d give up all the flow to fish for procs to throw more bombs. At times, it really was a 2 button rotation and wasnt fun, espeically if you got bad rng.

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OP didn’t provide the chart for damage to bosses, where SV is 7th overall, ahead of MM and the deadlast are actually Fury and Windwalkers, who apparently have abysmal single target damage. I can’t link it as I don’t have enough trust level, but it’s from the same Wowhead page as the OP, the (to bosses) chart is right next to it.

Anecdotally, from my experience, SV Hunter’s single target is actually in a good spot, but the lack of flexibility when it comes to being able to decently cleave without heavy talent investment is what keeps SV that far back in Overall Damage. I know that if I feel I want to contribute to trash cleanup, I have to take a sec to respec otherwise I can only priority target one mob with my standard ST build.

Meanwhile, I can immediately move from trash to boss when I’m in BM without a respec because most of the talent in the tree don’t actually change my gameplay/rotation, or even impact my DPS that much.

It’s a bit of a monkey’s paw where the talents are meaningful for SV, and that’s kinda the problem. You have to specialize, and SV’s stronger niche is single target priority damage IMO. Which is good on basically damage dummy bosses like Terros. But the feel of not being able to even decently cleave 2 adds like on Kurog without changing an endgame talent that can impact your single target DPS rears its head.

And BM still is the strongest in ‘to bosses’ damage, only behind Unholy, so there’s no real incentive either to go as SV. The only thing is things like not being reliant on pets or pet AI as much, which can be a deciding factor. Like on Brood, I get around and deal damage faster as SV because I can just Harpoon straight to add packs and start cleaving, without having to wait on my pets like I do as BM.

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The problem is they keep making the spec actually work nicely by the end of the xpac, then they decide to not copy paste what was working as the baseline and start moving stuff around again.

Survival felt good in BFA after you got all your borrowed power.

Get nuked in shadow lands, then you get your legos and covenant stuff and it feels nice again - actually really nice.

Then dragon flight comes out - they drop what makes us good, don’t replace it then nerf coordinated strikes and split it into two talents.

Revert coordinated strikes; add flaying shot and give us an upgrade for wildfire bombs clusters or something.

Once again it’s so close to being complete but just missed the mark

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