By what metric?
I’m not inclined to disagree there, but any warrants and heuristics that would source that conclusion could apply evenly to BM and MM.
SV’s available playstyle options will have been stable for just as long as MM and BM, all three specs continuing their BfA design philosophies into Dragonflight.
On Enhance, Lightning Bolt became a resource-spender, the inverse of its original function.
Legion Resto would get for free damage functionality bonuses that Elemental, the damage spec, would have to pay resource for.
On Fury, all baseline spenders become builders, completely flipping the original class on its head.
Arms removes core rotational CDs’ impact on rotation.
WoD Ret would turn Word of Glory from a heal into a ranged attack.
Specs regularly have, do now, and will continue to, utterly contradict parts of their base skills. Specs’ playflows need not be held hostage to identical function for every baseline skill nor to identical class trees.
We play specs, not classes. Why sacrifice the depth and enjoyment of specs just to save a player 10 seconds’ of tooltip-reading time for a skill’s baseline change towards spec cohesion against the minutes of going through their talents and borrowed powers anyways?
- Basically passive DoT
- Short CD shot
- Long CD shot
- Casted generator
- AA procs
- Procs from ticks of specific sources of DoT damage
- 2-minute CD greatly increases available GCD APM
- Add active talent actions as further CDs
Tell me… am I describing Venthyr MM, Dragonflight MM, or WoD RSV?
Wait, those playflow characteristics can be met by all three.
Just as by…
- DoT
- Builder
- ST spender
- AoE spender only worth using / usable every few GCDs
- Rotational CD
- 90s CD
Am I talking about old BM, or the alpha’s SV least-complexity meme build?
Whether it holds a spear or a musket, little depth is little depth.
Whether it holds a greataxe or longbow, significant depth is significant depth.
While the constraints of playing in/from melee with limited opportunities by which to counter would-be downtime naturally adds a bit more depth, no amount of range is going to make a lack of kit interesting, nor will a lack of range make a good kit uninteresting.