Suspensions going out for cache abuse

How can people know if something feels wrong? You are correct no one should have ever been suspended or banned ever from this game! LOL!!!

These people know what they did.

what people say, and what actually happened, are two different things.

…but this will come to light in due course.

stop assuming it was a simple matter of grinding mobs.

if it’s shown that your members were exploiting, are you going to continue to support them?

no, this is an assumption, based on “some dude said”… and posters here are simply parroting it because blizz r teh enemy.

from what i was able to dig up, the suspensions aren’t related to what was going on in the vale.
(but the people involved would be aware of that)

I want to be clear. I am not saying the person in trouble was intentionally exploiting. I don’t understand what happened to begin with. If I did not make that clear, I apologize.

With a new key we are talking right? So I loot chest at X location that requires a key. I farm up enough mats for another key and go back, and the chest is still there, requiring a key? Did I get that right? If so, let me quote something from somebody else and I will address that.

To make sure I have this right. I am killing mobs in the Vale and it is dropping fragments. I am doing nothing funny. No sharding, no taking a mob to X percent and spinning twice on my tippy toes while reciting the Blizzard statement or anything. Just killing mobs and getting supplies to open a locked chest. Over and over.

If there was a cap on how many you SHOULD be able to get, but that cap is bugged, that is not the players fault. That is Blizzards fault, and players should not be held accountable for it.

Did I get that correct above? Thank you to both of you for shedding more light on something I did not fully understand. Once again if I did not make that clear in my previous post, I apologize that I did not fully understand it


Can we get a blue post to clear this up? This seems too excessive punishment. Most folks never knew those caches was suppose to be weekly.

This sounds silly, there has to be more to it.

Not what you said, the idea of suspensions.

The chests were also not despawning as well. They were supposed to assumedly have a lockout, but they did not even have a lockout on the PTR according to this image:

i.imgur. com/kHMNOVA.png

So even if you had played the PTR, you wouldn’t even know the intended way it was supposed to work that people are now being suspended over.

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Opening one chest only gives 500, which is 1/20 of what is required. Opening the chest in UIdum gives 250 which is only 1/40 of what is required. It’s silly to suspend people over it. There was barely any advantage given if at all. It takes four hours of farming with regular luck to get enough for a key if not longer


And me sitting here with 5/6 for the second key just from doing the opening dailies, lol. Would I have been suspended for exploiting if one more fragment dropped? Jesus.

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Yes Mastadon, you have that correct. (Fortis speaking)

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I highly doubt there is, regardless of what Nobully says.

Guess all we can do is wait for a blue post :man_shrugging:

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Odd thing to suspend people for. If people want to farm that they are welcome to it, although maybe people were farming in raid groups and causing other problems.

I sure wouldn’t spend hours farming that solo. I think I managed to open one.

I hope we get a blue post before the day ends… atleast something along the lines of “we are looking into it” :frowning:

A catch up mechanic on the first week! LOL!!!

Its like they have a cap for a reason.

I was suspended for 3 days. I opened caches, what was done was the standard hyperspawn farming that you see people do for mounts in the various kultiras/zandalar zones, but instead you could get key fragments. The chest that was opened had been the one i had seen since 8.3 launched so it didn’t feel out of place, just “That’s where the chest is. You open it when you got a key made from your 6 fragments.”

To clarify, the 6 fragments didn’t drop quickly, it took about 15-20mins per 1 key, you flew over opened your chest, then murdered more mobs.

That’s it, the chest didn’t indicate it was meant to despawn, it stayed there the entire time and didn’t disappear when you opened it. I got suspended for 3 days, i probably farmed about 5k coalescing visions from the chest, enough to do another vision last night after I did my dailies and farmed every rare on the map for the 20 visions again. So there’s one account of how it went, i found the group in group finder with the typical “hyperspawn farming keys for coalescing visions” type of name.

I spent about 5 or 6 hours doing this, so it wasn’t a particularly get rich quick method, it took tons of grinding and felt like a way for people to push more visions if they were behind/failed etc since the keys dropped all across the zone (even after you opened the chest once), I had actually grinded elites solo for a while before finding a group doing it faster, so the hyperspawn part wasn’t really necessary, i was getting a decent drop rate just from the nzoth tormentor/conquerors.



“If for whatever reason, you fail a run due to a death or sanity, it’s no big deal anymore! You can just try again and any quests you don’t complete this week will roll over until next week. This removes the feeling of “If I die or fail the objective, I’m permanently behind.” So now, you can have fun with the system, explore a bit and if you make a mistake, you just need to do another run this week, or catch up next week!”

Don’t those things only drop like 250 currency? If someone wants to spend hours and hours farming 240 fragments for one cape level, hell, I’d say they’re welcome to it.


Well assuming that it is this, and nothing else (once again I hate to be so cynical here but experience has taught me that what somebody says is not necessarily remotely close to the truth sometimes) but assuming that is what it is, this is on Blizzard, not the players.

I can’t help but wonder if this is not the only factor though. Once again, it is just my inner cynic chiming in here.

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Yeah, right it takes 10k to run one so this is not a catch up mechanic. If you fail it would be your loss and catch up next week.

I only speak from the account of my guildie, with whom I was with since the patch dropped and I am recounting the actions we both went through. He farmed a bit more than me and opened more chests whilst I was lazy and didn’t want to farm mobs. @ Mastadôn-thrall

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