Suspended and I did it

Good to know, they have to ban gold buyers before it get worst in Wrath. 2 weeks ban on first offence and then banned forever is fine with me. Go GMs!

while the HR is very bad for any pug but if the Hr on items your class canā€™t use it means youā€™ll still get a chance to get what you wants, but gdkp is all the same which require you to pay for items, gdkp is lovely system for anyone who can use it but gdkp is not a system for everyone while standard pugging MS / SR is for everyone.

for me? in the first month of being 70 i got my t5helm/glove in SR ssc raid and then i got my t6 helm in SR MH raid, then i got t6 leg and other items in MS>OS /roll bt raid so i paid nothing and i donā€™t care if certain items was on HR meanwhile if there is only gdkpā€™s and no SR or MS>os raids i wouldā€™ve never had any chance to even join any raid as fresh character with no gold.

i have no problem with Gdkpā€™s but i truly believe that gdkp is not healthy for wow for 3 reasonsā€¦
1-itā€™s not a pug environment for casuals.
2-it will drive new players away.
3-it promote real money trade.

iā€™m not asking for gdkp ban, iā€™m just saying what i believe and i know for sure that tokens will be released into classic in the next year then gdkpā€™s will be increased and eventually classic will be dead like retail even if stayed as wotlkc forever.

But WHY did you even buy gold NOW??? Like head to the island and do the SSO quest. You can make 250g a dayā€¦

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likely not the first time youve done it though lol

Iā€™m sure you were the ony one doing anything in the whole AB.

I still think it odd that itā€™s only a 14 day suspension. Iā€™ve seen where someone had posted the email you receive (might have been on Discord somewhere) and if memory serves, it states that they also confiscate the gold though apparently that can be circumvented. It used to be a permanent ban which was more than enough to deter most people. No idea why theyā€™d ease up on that unless of course they are banking on the perpetrator still forking over for that monthly subscription. A permaban would likely lead someone to quit altogether.

Because during OG Wrath they where perma banning folks and what they found out is people came back, except this time they didnā€™t care nearly as much as they did on their first account, and they not only bought gold, but botted ect. They found instead that with suspensions it lowered recidivism rates dramaitcally.

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Hmm. I have no reason to not believe you but when I read your comment out loud, it just strikes me as counterintuitive. If a person puts so much time and effort into an account only to end up doing something that gets it banned, youā€™d think they would be less inclined to start up again. I honestly would have thought it to be the other way around.

Thats not what they found though

I donā€™t understand. I have Two 70s with epic flying and 10K Iā€™m just sitting on. When my Paladin finally does hit 70 heā€™s got 30K honor and a fast track to becoming my new money maker.

And Iā€™m not particularly good at, or dedicated to making gold. If I wanted to swap one of my characters to enchanting, or knuckled down and sped up leveling a character that has enchanting, Iā€™d be 375 in less than a week.

This stuff is not that complicated. Are people that addicted to instant gratification?

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Do you take anything seriously?

Itā€™s true you donā€™t see many belf men. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for belf women.

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ā€œI made it upā€

Tracyn- made the post to show I did get punished for buying gold. I wish I was making it up so I could play tonight

indeed blizzard surely wipe the gold if you got suspended for gold buying or for botting and they type that in the mail, however the time length for ban is based on various factors such as if itā€™s your first time / the amount of gold / if this gold was traded/sent to you from a botter or normal player.

but tbh i find it odd and i donā€™t believe the op for many reasonsā€¦

1-heā€™s not new char
2-heā€™s not raiding from 7months
3-heā€™s still active on forums with this warr in those past months so he wasnā€™t away from game, so this warr is probably an alt
4-the way he typed his opening message doesnā€™t sound like someone who got any ban
5-the whole message doesnā€™t make any sense except that he wanted to claim that ā€œcomplaining that blizz is doing nothing is not trueā€
6-heā€™s clueless about blizzard bans and i can clearly see that.
7-if he wanted to get his mount why would he buy gold now and not months ago?
8-why post about the ban in forums? while it looks like he didnā€™t tell his own guild, many of his guildies doesnā€™t even know that he got banned, i know the roster of his guild is 900members but still itā€™s odd if some of them donā€™t know about his ban.

in the end i know that blizzard does ban 1 out of 1000 so maybe he was super unlucky and actually got banned but i would love if he can post some part of the mail ban message.

i got banned for 2 days when i was not playing and when i came back i got a mail with free 20k gold
thanks blizzard

I took my stable of belfs seriously.

Apropos of nothing, I killed you in AB earlier today.

It was pretty satisfying.

good for you, must be an achievment if you got satisfied :smiley:

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It was.

Iā€™m finally getting geared enough that I donā€™t die when Iā€™m in the same room as a Horde player.