I liked old Survival.
Tbh, as far as the melee version goes I also liked Legion Survival better than BfA survival.
Wildfire Bomb is cool, but Caltrops were better.
Missing Caltrops every day.
I switched to playing Survival in Legion at max level out of NOWHERE because it was the most laughable hated weak spec (the anti-FotM) and I wound up loving it and doing great at it, especially in Arenas. RIP Legion Survival. You will be missed.
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Not a fan of Lord of the Rings, i suppose?
Legolas feel terribad.
I personally love melee Survival, and I hope it stays.
Who’d ever want to change you?!
pulls out double swords, twirls them all fancy pancy before flipping fries into mouth
Not one cut…see, no reason to keep us down to one blade!
ear falls off
[you didn’t see that…looks for glue]
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Old survival felt like some tacked-on spec. Black Arrow was just some DoT.
I think current survival is more interesting and vastly better.
Unfortunally it looks like ill have to retire my old hunter. I had him for so long through all changes. I lost mm in wod, survival in legion, my main spec, and how bm is now i only play it cause for me been easiest spec to solo. But its not fun, i dont like casting bars and i want pet so mm is out, and survival went melee. Now i just have to decide to rogue or dk, all other range has casting, and im roing vulpera so i have sorted group of classes to pick from. To all other hunters or used to be hunters, go with what makes you happy is main thing, if you enjoy or dont enjoy class. Dont be afraid to set aside and try something else if not happy, i kind of wished i did sooner, id never thought a class i play in most mmos would get to point i dont enjoy.
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I like and enjoy both styles of SV hunter. I am very curious to know if the developers have considered adding something similar to a level 15 talent for MM that would change Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire to Black Arrow and Explosive shot and change the way the spec plays. I made a similar post on the hunter forums about it.
I personally think your level 15 talent should be the most important talent you pick, and should be the talent that alters how your character plays and feels.
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Let’s see if I can remember some of the old arguments…
First, there was the arguement, if you want a ranged toon, play mage.
No one displays contempt when a mage point blanks in your face. No dead space needed.
Old survival was a utility class, back when traps could be resisted… it also had 3 points of hit, and of course some bit of melee ability. Wingclip of course without the dead space is pointless. Back in the day, it took more skill to play than either bm, ie pet dps , or mm, ie turret caster. Old survival also got a lot of attention in pvp, where the enemy ignores the pet, and gets in that dead space.
By the time melee survival arrived, ranged survival was indeed a pointless spec.
I’d hope both sides gets what you want. As long as bm is the only spec that can use exotics, I’ll be bm.
Um, Hunters fought this fight in forums prior to this change a lot. I know, I was one of them. In part I think those of us that played ranged survival caused this to happen.
Survival had incredible mobility, and in conjunction with a pet could wreak havoc on populated zones. During the timeless isle I would tap and kite a dozen Mogul around letting my fox tail whip and blink from mob to mob. Draw them over some poor kids consecrate and watch him get owned. Fun!
Survival was the go to spec for Hunters since Wrath imho, I did not switch to Marks until they turned it into a melee spec. I do have a second set of gear maintained to switch back and forth. I just do not like BM personally.
They will never give us a 4th spec Hunter are not versatile (healer/tank/dps), they may however work it so Marks can be tailors to be like old survival using talents. How would you do that?
I loved ranged survival and mobile AiS marks
I do enjoy melee SV too but it feels squishy compared to my DH.
Some days I wish they made SV the tanking spec so I wouldn’t have to be so conflicted playing between the two classes
Hell no! You leave my melee hunter alone!
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The more I think about it, the more I wish they they would break out the Marks talent tree to have a ranged with pet (survival) and ranged without pet (marks) being equally viable. I know about beast, that is pet with a tag along imho. Hate the beast spec.
You already have two ranged specs. A melee spec adds variety. Far from removing this variety, they should be looking at adding a ranged spec to rogue, and possibly other ranged-only or melee-only pure dps classes.
Also SV in Legion was the peak of the spec. BFA SV is lukewarm vomit, and totally failed to address all the issues with the spec that were present in Legion.
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Survival was melee back in the day before 1.7.0 ruined the game. Lacerate for life
The pain point sadly for marks with no pet is trading off so much in pvp
- Masters call
- Roar of Sacrifice
- Mortal wounds
Considering how many gap closers on short CDs melee have today, if these abilities could be made baseline without a pet, it wouldn’t solve everything but at least make it better
I was just trying to find the old talent trees online, but it looks like a lot of them relied on Blizzard links that no longer exist.
Hunter is supposed to be ranged without overt magical presence, that is why we all play it. While a melee hunter is viable, is it really the most desirable? Not for most who main this class, you are either Beast or Marks, even if my DPS is equal to other hunters.
They may call it whatever they want to, Survival is the Rambo Spec. Being ranged is a part of that, marks should be akin to a Sniper. Personally I feel that Aimed shot should do more damage for all its set up, especially in combination with Hunter’s Mark, Double tap and a Trinket. That should be a head shot, does any other class have that many things to set up?
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I like the melee spec, why cater to you over melee players like me?
Because warrior classes does not have a range spec, that would be called… a Hunter?
but sometimes I like to play my forest warrior
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