Survival Return to Ranged Please!

Simple fix to all class problems. GIVE US BACK OUR TALENT TREES AND LET US DECIDE !
You want survival/BM there ya go.

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Early age hunters IRL were melee spear-wielding hunters, not bow and arrow hunters. I love it!

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My hunter went from 110 to 120 as survival. I changed to BM after 120. I really enjoyed the survival but I love BM so much more. Ashna’s been BM since the beginning except for those 10 levels.

My BM hunter stand quite a lot in melee range. It’s mostly because every other character I play is melee and somehow I just run up to the mobs and … yeah. Like yesterday after I ran everything on my hunter, I switched to my DH and tried to stand back and range… didn’t work very well LOL. Lots of alts = confusion sometimes.

They should make survival able to be range or melee. Talent into melee weapons to go melee or something. Im one of those that lost my favorite spec in game and im struggling testing out other classes i never touched before cause i patiently waited 2 expansions to see if they were revert back. I hate lone wolf with passion class fantasy is guns and pets, mm pushes no pets. So im with bm which is ok but theres no real range abilities besides shooting snakes. Survival range has been and always will be my fav spec and it was ripped away from me. I just wished i could find another class to fit my playstyle, think closest is lock. Its just flustration cause it ruined what fun and memories i had in a class.


This is the exact point many of us are trying to make.

Ofc it’s nice that there are people who enjoy the melee side of the class fantasy as well. The best part is that, the Hunter class fantasy, can serve as a basis for so many different themes.

But I, and evidently many others, would not want our favorite spec removed entirely. Which is what they did with Legion when they removed the old SV spec that included Explosive Shot, Black Arrow etc.



By all means, if they find a melee playstyle that can somehow suit the Hunter class fantasy, then add it to the class(as a 4th spec option).
You DON’T delete existing specs/playstyles that thousands of players love just because you want to cater to a playerbase that largely is not already a part of said class(admitted by devs themselves that this was the intent).

Something like this, is NOT okay. On any level really.

While this is largely true. It still doesn’t apply to other classes in the same way as it did to Hunters, specifically, the ranged SV spec.

No other class had an entire spec deleted to instead have a new spec put in. That new spec basically filling a different role compared to the old one.
And no, by role I don’t mean in the way of comparing DPS to Healing to Tanking.

Very true. Which is why they should’ve added it as a 4th spec option in the first place. OR fast forward to today. Due to this history, it’s now justified to add in a 4th spec option to the Hunter class, in the form of a modern version of the old ranged SV spec.

Yep. This :arrow_up:

  1. How do you know what my supposed “investment” in hunter is, or any class for that matter?
  2. You’re mistaking “demand” for “suggestion.” Anyone is allowed to make suggestions on these forums unless I missed something. I (and many others besides me) thought melee survival was a good idea even before it happened, and since it did happen, clearly that’s the side the devs have aligned with. I just don’t care for the implementation, just as I agree with Demonology becoming more demon-focused, but dislike its implementation also.
  3. Strictly from a design standpoint, does hunter really need 2 “strong hunter, weak pet” specs, with the only thing setting them apart from one another being the order in which you press your ranged attack buttons?

I pretty much assume by default that people who can’t even be bothered to post from a Hunter aren’t invested that much, especially when your post includes things like “the last time I played it” like your last one did, implying that you don’t currently play it, or any variation of “the ranged specs played the same” as your current post does, indicating that you are minimally informed as to the purpose and intent of each of the ranged Hunter specs and what made them different because that wasn’t true.

You’re allowed to make suggestions, and I’m allowed to say it’s not your place to influence the direction of a class you don’t play.

The devs think many things are good ideas that are actually terrible, such as titanforging, artifact power, or radically remaking specs from the ground up 6 expansions in to be something totally contrary to the interests and preferences of people playing the class in the hopes of drawing people in from other classes. Trying to act like the whims of a terrible design team that makes mistakes all the time backs you up is not exactly the best foundation for an argument.

Aaaaand there it is: MM and SV were the same thing… just because. Never mind their different toolkits and gameplay; never mind their different thematic focuses; never mind melee specs that are even more similar to one another such as Arms and Fury or any of the Rogue specs. Let’s take away a spec from HUNTERS because nobody likes them and we melee overlords want more stuff!.

Stick to what you know, demon hunter.


Please no. I like melee hunters.


This for me. I was for making it a 4th Spec, but that has changed. It’s quite frankly asking for Hunters to go back to having poor development just to appease some people who probably wont even play it.

It’s weird, because I supported the change to Survival when it happened primarily because it and BM played EXACTLY the same. Like, plug in the spec specific abilities in the same slots on your actionbar and hit the same buttons as you always would and nothing changes other than some slight visuals.

But BM changed at the same time, so…

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Don’t make assumptions.

  1. I (or any sane person) can’t be bothered to change characters every time they post about a particular class.
  2. I haven’t played any class except this one in awhile because I took a break from the game to sleep through this (mediocre) expansion. That doesn’t mean I haven’t logged decent hours on my hunter prior to the break.
  3. I never said all ranged classes (or even specs) play the same, because they don’t. But if you zoom way out and look at the designs of strictly-damage-oriented classes, some of them have struggled for quite awhile to carve out proper identnities for all 3 specs–rogues also had this problem and one could argue they still kind of do. Hence why one fellow brought up making outlaw an entirely ranged spec, which isn’t an entirely bad idea.

Except I do play the class so…there goes that I guess!

Also, it’s unlikely that I’m influencing the direction of this class with my posts here, but then again, neither are you. The devs are unlikely to see either of our posts and even if they do, they have their own ideas on how to address things they see as problems.

I’ll agree that not all of their decisions are good, but there’s also the other side of the coin, as not every decision they make is bad. Account-wide collections, for example, was a fantastic decision, as was the LFG tool.

Ooh, okay. So you’re just bitter and want to lash out because new survival isn’t exactly what you want, and you feel entitled to have it made your way. Got it. :wink:


So, basically, my assumption was right.

I don’t accept the argument “if you ignore everything that was different, these things were the same”.

You are ignoring crucial differences between specs that make them valid specs to begin with and you’re trying to justify that by saying that overgeneralising is not only fine but preferrable when talking about specs… in the context of an upcoming expansion explicitly aimed at remedying some of the damage caused by trying to make specs too separate, no less.

Being in favour of such revisionist, disruptive changes to existing specs that people enjoy is an incredibly selfish and careless attitude.

Class design is something they are hammered on all the time in Legion and BFA so I think it’s safe to call it one of their failures.

Most Hunters preferred the old Survival, as evidenced by the multitudes more Hunters who actually played it. So actually wanting Survival to be ranged is the less selfish stance.

Let’s appreciate two things here:

  • Actually thinking that the pre-Legion state of the class is the one that was “poor development” considering… well… everything that has happened since
  • Arguing that we probably won’t even play ranged SV despite the fact that it was widely played and enjoyed back then, while people insisted that melee SV would be the same before actually not playing it after all

Yes, with Aspect of the Hawk being the sole tuning knob for balancing the Class’s damage, talents going entire expansions costing the wrong resource because nobody bothered to look at it besides players, ignoring bug reports from an expansion’s alpha until the prepatch goes live and even then a youtuber with a following was what got it addressed. Then we can get into the minimum range left for years because of Flavor (now called Class Fantasy) and many others. You really should just stop acting like I don’t know what I’m talking about because you disagree with me on anything.

BM was and always will be more popular and the largest draw to the Class. It was only ever popular because it was the top performing spec for the content.

Really Whim?

Thought you took a break btw?

Sorry, can’t agree with this.

Or I mean, sure, if you feel something, then you do…

But RSV played very differently from that of BM(or MM for that matter).

It’s more than this ofc but, specs that are based mostly on instant damage and, like MM, having a cast time, aren’t really comparable to specs that are based on DoT.

Sure, they were all based on using ranged weapons but, that alone does not justify such a change.

The problem here is that players hold pure dmg classes to the same standards in terms of spec diversity, as they do with hybrid classes.

And changing every pure dmg class into having a spec diversity on level with that of hybrids(as near as a pure dmg class can get without actually making it a hybrid), this will only serve to dilute the very core fantasy of each respective class, rather than improving it.

Having said that, is there no room for a melee spec for hunters? Yes there is.

But that does NOT justify diminishing the very core aspects/fantasies ‘‘just to make room for that new stuff’’.

‘‘Most popular’’ and ‘‘popular’’ are two different things Whim.

A spec can be popular even if it isn’t beating every other spec out there.


For me, each has their own pros and cons.

BfA is more streamlined than Legion, but Legion has a more solid melee feel than BfA.

Traps is a sore point. It was great as utility, but as part of dps rotation it is terrible.

Wildfire Bomb is indeed better for QoL, but i dislike it being core. And the cone effect is… might as well rename it as Wildfire Claymore since that might actually fit better than ‘bomb’. Front Toward Enemy™

Venoms and Bleeds are nice and well, but explosives should have been optional. Feels much more fluid (and logical) when my Carve/Butchery spreads dots/bleeds around targets than having my polearm somehow manage to allow me to throw bombs more rapidly - because my polearm is assembling a new bomb while i’m hitting targets with it?

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Yes really. I’ve made the case in other threads. Basically what you had was overly homogenized specs that got little attention because Blizzard’s Development Team did not feel the need to give it. A change was needed to end that and like BM, there really was no place for them to go with SV other than fall back into buffing melee.

Until after Blizzcon. I left the Hunter Forums because all of you turned it into an echo chamber where you can feed that constipated anger you have over RSV going away. It’s horrible, foul, and people asking for help often go unanswered because you all are too busy feeding that rage instead of being something of worth.

Popular and cult following are two different things as well. The movie the Room has a cult following but it’s not popular. RSV is like that. When you saw more people playing it, it was because of the fact that it performed better than the other two. MM wasn’t popular for a long time because it was poor in AoE.

Survival is a decent enough spec, but just feels incredibly weird.

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May be too late at this point, but only having one class using guns and bows is really stupid in my opinion, and adding a mele option for hunters was a terrible idea.

Rogues should get a range spec if hunters have a mele spec.


it was unfair they took ranged survival away from us to begin with. they changed it because “all 3 hunter specs were ranged dps that had a pet” and yet that is literally what the Warlocks are but they didn’t have one of their specs forced into melee or another role like tank/healer just so they could get changed up.

you can try and defend it that the warlocks had 3 unique specs, one multi-dotter, one focus on pets, and one focused on heavier spells to deal damage upfront…but that’s exactly what the hunter class was as well, survival was a multi-dotter, Beast Master was a pet focus, and Marksman was an upfront damage dealer