Survival hunter Ranged but Different

For MM, I’d say Exhilaration is wanting. If it would heal me like it heals my pet, I’d be much happier.
About the Class: Class strengths? Borrowed powers. Weaknesses? Deliberate neglect of MM for the last 2 expacs, periodic poison for BM, overall weak Class Identity.

Has it changed much from legion besides some damage tweaks cause I know Survival hasn’t changed much. Excluding borrowed power. I’m kinda hoping they let the players try the new spec trees 2-3 months before the launch and they faze out the borrowed power in that patch making it go, poof.

Survival was entirely remade after Legion. It’s Shadowlands that didn’t change much about the spec.

skipped an Xpac

They usually do this via the pre-patch for each new expansion. It does not last for 2-3 months, rather, around 2-4 weeks or so that we have before the expansion launches in full.

Other than this, you ofc have those that have access to the alpha/beta phases, for testing.