Survival Hunter Mending Bandage is way too hard of a counter to Assa rogues

25 second cooldown to remove every bit of assa rogue damage from anyone you want. That should be a 1m CD at a minimum like evoker cauterizing flame. If I queue into a lobby on my rogue with a survival hunter he can negate every kill window I have by using mending bandage. If I queue into a lobby with a survival hunter and an evoker then it’s basically a 2v3. Plus they have a disarm. So they can literally alternate disarm and mending every kidney shot and remove the assa rogue from the game. I honestly can’t think of any spec that counters another as hard as survival counters assa rogue.


Well the increased CD on Kidney Shot doesn’t help either but yeah that is a problem.

Plus, it is funny to see a pure DPS have such a short CD on such utility.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman: