Survival Hunter Changes I would like to see

I actually like playing Survival hunter but it’s really unfortunate to see how there have been barely any changes on beta/ptr.

  • Serpent Sting needs a longer duration. It feels way too short and I would rather have it act more like flame shock. An 18-24 second duration in my opinion would make it feel way better.

The next change would be to Mongoose Bite.

  • Mongoose Bite should be baseline. I would rather see it where we go back to a version closer to what we had in legion of building up mongoose fury to cast Fury of the Eagle. Instead at 5 stacks, we use Fury of the Eagle and it consumes our stacks. Like Maelstrom weapons for Enhancement Shaman. Plus Fury of the Eagle to help with cleave/AoE as it is lackluster right now.

AoE Improvements

  • One of my gripes is AoE for Survival as it feels really rough compared to many other classes. I think the addition of getting back Caltrops or Explosive Trap would be great. I think traps should be more of a focus for Survival and Explosive Trap still being a PVP talent is a shame.

These are just some changes I would like to see to Survival as I think it needs a little bit of love.


Agree with everything mentioned. Atleast now serpent sting duration is Not affected with haste.

Wish we had another bleed or poison. Really enjoy the DoT aspect of survival.

Only if caltrops or explosive traps are talents, I hated having explosive trap as a baseline ability especially since it was needed even in single target fights because of its dps.

Dps traps could be an option but should never be baseline.

Also serpent sting is fine now thats its duration is a static 12 secs. With vipers venom i almost never have to hard cast serpent sting on the ptr which is much better than live.

Hard disagree on dps dealing traps. They have no place in dps rotation due to how clunky they are and how they get often stuck

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And 1000% yes for higher duration SS and Mongoose Bite baseline. Yes for Fury of the Eagle! Gods I want that ability back so badly, but I have to disagree on rotational traps, at least baseline.

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So you’d want lesser damage per tick over longer time? I definitely wouldn’t. They won’t just buff it’s damage because that’s a not really necessary.

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I never stated anything about less/more damage. Just a duration change. Right now it’s 12 seconds on ptr and I believe 18-24 second duration would be better. Think instead of applying Serpent Sting twice on its current timer we apply it only once every 24 seconds. 18 in my opinion would be a good duration though. It allows more time to focus on other abilities that are more meaningful such as Mongoose Bite.

I don’t have a complaint about the damage, just the duration.

You can’t change one without the other. If you’re asking for the same damage overall just longer duration it would have to be less damage per tick.

Again, there is no need for a damage increase so it’s a nerf to just straight up increase the time since you’re doing less damage per tick and over a specific timeframe of the current 12 seconds.

For it to tick as hard as it does and go for 18 seconds it’d have to have a damage increase. This is something that most likely won’t happen due to “Balance.”