Survival Dragonflight Talents: A Lack of Parity

Spearhead is a new burst ins’t? Survival is suposed to get 2 bursts?

Coordinated Assault as it was written when the tree originally came out wasn’t exactly a burst. It no longer had the 20% damage buff, but it made the aoe rotation get through Wildfire Bombs faster and gave extra damage on Kill Shot. It would not really overlap with Spearhead’s burst.

What I’ve proposed is that it has some interaction with Raptor Strike/Mongoose Bite. Perhaps that it makes your Mongoose Fury stack faster, something along those lines.

Again, I don’t understand why it’s so out of the question to have two cooldowns.

Couple of things:

Looks like some 3pt nodes were reduced and the surv talent tree updated on wowhead. Cant tell if its bugged or what. For example, Lunge is a 3pt node but first pt is 5 yds and adding more doesnt increase melee range. CA went back to a flat 20% dmg mod for you and pet. Etc. So thats good.

Explosives Expert, Deadly Duo needs to fooking go. Absolute rng crap. CDR on RS/MB, the old Wilderness Survival az trait, did a fantastic job of smoothing out surv rotation. Haste and WS scales by compressing rotation into more bomb uptime = more dmg. So the smooth rotation gets faster and feels great to play, especially with MG Fury windows.

Nothing wrong with your sentiment there imo. I will say the I enjoy the high constant pressure rather than cd stacking. To me it feels pretty craptastic to do all your dmg for 12s every 2m then sit around drooling on your keyboard for 1m 48s. I’d rather do 5-6 button finger dance of high consistent dmg and be punished when I screw up.

Agreed. One pt of concern, now that SS isnt baseline, it would make volatile bomb basically useless if you didnt spec into SS in the hunter tree. I wondering if its time to scrap the rng aspect WFI and allow for choice in which infusion if you want. It makes sense when you think about and allows for build diversity.

Volatile - pairs great with SS , latent poison and RS for cleave/spread pressure.

Shrapnel - allows for high stacking bleed dmg and has great synergy with butchery , RS/MB and possibly Bloodseeker if they allowed the interaction.

Pheramone - awesome synergy for MB fury windows and bloodseeker for st dmg

I dont agree. However I’d rather see Flayed Shot then Nesingwarys.

As long as we can bypass Tip, I agree.

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Hey I posted a mock up of the Survival Talent Tree with changes in the forum. If you guys would go visit that and give feedback, maybe the Hunter team will take notice and make necessary changes.


WoWHead is doing something weird where they are using existing tooltips from the live client to fill in DF talent data. Bullseye for example has the artifact trait tooltip, rather than the 2 rank talent tooltip it had last week.

I wouldn’t trust their trees for anything other than ability names and paths until their data mining has gotten a bit further along.