Survival changes are mostly destructive to the core of the spec

I’m with you on that one, the bomb vfx and sfx are low key a big reason why I like the spec so much. it’ll definitely be interesting to see where it lands in 11.0.5—I think freeing up GCD economy will be nice especially with the deathblow mechanic being added to the spec tree (proc kill shot availability regardless of mob HP % )

freeing up the GCDs like this also lets fote shine, which should be neat!

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pre legion survival had an identity?

legitimately the only things I remember about it are explosive shot and black arrow, both of which are either core set or hero talents.

What would “new” old survival be? worse Marksmanship? A tank???

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Thats what I love About Survival Hunter compared to other Melee specializations I have tried.
Outside the first 4-5 or so opening things to press (Maybe more if Trinkets, Potions, other on use stuff) Its pretty much all PRIORITY actions after that. Be in the moment, fast paced all based on the current situation. While not having overly complex possibilities on what to press next (I’m looking at you Arcane Mage in Dragonflight)
Plus the hit and run style of combat. Run in do some stuff back off a litttle do some stuff, reposition for optimal bomb damage spread etc etc.

Havoc DH comes close but their reliance to have to dash in for their damage when its a bad time to rush in makes them a little to tricky for me to play well. Of course I never tried THAT hard to get good at Havoc. Plus i’m not a big fan of the class fantasy as it pertains to the games lore.

As far as the changes go for Survival I can’t say yet. I haven’t tried them on the PTR. I’ll have to wait until they go on live before I really can have an honest opinion. But I sure am theory crafting in my head on what it will play like. :thinking:

That would be a great idea!

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If that Ain’t the truth.
Everytime I go to PuG a Mythic Plus group the only thing anyone ever asks me is “You use a Lust pet?” :laughing:

Read my original statement.

Thank you. I was saying this as well, but a few forum troll guide writers just keep telling me that I’m playing survival wrong (There is a difference between sub-optimal and wrong, btw). Butchery as it is, is fine. It interacts well with bomb cooldowns and makes AoE component feel very fun and quick. It also allows RS to cleave, so you can weave 1:1 in AoE with it and RS for big hits and bomb cooldowns. Changing it makes bombs slower and makes it feel like there’s no AoE cleave at all.

Well,well,well. Looks like they realized how bad they screwed up with some of the initial changes and are starting to walk it back.

Several points I made, and was argued against by “the pros”, are already acknowledged here and starting to be addressed.

It’s still not enough, but at least we’re moving back in the right direction.

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Walk it back how?

Which? Can you actually give an example

I mean, they basically took “you cant do butchery back to back” and buffed the damage of corresponding abilities to compensate for the lack of spam… don’t think they’re walking back really lol Just making it less spammy, which is what you said wasn’t a problem currently on live?

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