Surprising to see MM buffed

I think so for a couple of reasons.

It should be an Anti Caster to some degree which the game needs IMO
It has more counter play than BM


FOTM marksman rerollers be like

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I was getting my butthole pushed in my a MM in a shuffle the other day… surprised to see buffs.


MM arriving to end caster tyranny


MM is an amazing BG spec, too bad bad rated bgs are only manned by the top .1% of players if we’re going off LFG titles.

Mm IS a caster


MM is NOT a caster

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Explain aim shot

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Something that can’t be kicked or interrupted and leaves me as one of those atomic bomb after shadows on ground.

Thats if they don’t hose you with chakaram/volley+salvo macro rapid deathblow first

When we talk about casters were referring to actual cloth with a soft inclusion to boomys/ele/devoker

Hunter is a ranged DPS but not a caster wizard.

They are warriors with a gun

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So like precog

I’ll die on this hill.

BM/MM are ranged melee specs not casters.

They don’t have mana, they are immune to kicks/interrupts and do arms warrior damage from 40 yards away with a mortal strike to back them.

MM actually exceeds arms warrior in every aspect when targeting cloth with its damage potential.


they still are ;__;

not so much in rated BGs but in random BGs it’s still a shooting range with hunters, boomy, lock and fire mage rn lol

Mana isnt really a caster resource anymore

Your attempt to include hunters into the “caster” club is disgusting.

Burn the heretic.

Lol im trolling

we’re casters bro
i cast dismiss pet all the time


MM is like ranged Arms and BM is ranged Fury. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


I’ll have you and that hunter lover Sockems burned together

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can’t burn when im throwing bomba at your dome, nerd
have fun combusting this ros loser

LMAO, they buff MM who is one hitting people and nerf balance.

Edit: I guess they were not killing mages fast enough in 3 seconds, 1 is more appropriate.