Support our hero efx

Ty Efx, you’re a legend.

keep fighting the good fight for us buddy. hopefully someone is listening


Aw man, it’s a bit awkward for you that you half stole my mog that I alone creatively cooked up, but it’s ok because you have time to discretely change it before anyone notices and laughs at you for stealing my look.

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God, i love when we use math to support our claims. That’s sooooo hot.


i think dh is fine they die in a stun

How many fistweavers are you actually encountering, really?

You had my support until this emotional take. Playing castweaver into fistweaver is a nightmare. I agree. But fistweaver does not work in most comps, but excels in a few. Fistweaver in an environment like solo shuffle where coordinating CC is challenging can certainly be problematic, but not impossible.

Resto shaman, holy priest, and dev evoker are all capable of doing similar or greater damage from range with even less risk at times.

As a healing monk, fistweaver is attractive because castweaver is simply terrible. I don’t think castweaver (without drinking) can out nmana any healer in the game currently. Castweaver is the only caster that truly exists to cast as a healer and gets heavily punished for doing so.

You’re emotionally proposing to gut the most attractive healing spec my class has and offering no help for the alternative.


Even 1 is too many.

He didn’t seem emotional at all to me and the quickest way to get “castweaver” buffed is to nerf fistweaver.


I said healers should cast, so buff casted healing. Buff mana regeneration if it’s that bad. It’s not emotional lmao, FW design is utter trash to play against.


no one cares

fistweaver is an abomination and should never have been in the game

a healer shouldn’t be able to stand in the middle of the map facerolling 2 buttons and heal by doing damage

should just revert back to way of the crane if they wanted to cater to the apes that like this playstyle


I didn’t mind fistweaver when way of the crane was a cooldown that had like 30% uptime, but perma fisting just hard counters some comps who don’t have spammable cc since the throughput is insane the whole game and not just during a short window that can be played around

Casted mw having soothing mist while moving was pretty cool imo


Fistweaver doesn’t heal by standing in the middle of the map facerolling 2 buttons.


I thought you could just kite and cc a fist weaver then they couldn’t heal I’m a challenger main I might be wrong

(post deleted by author)

Interesting impersonation.


Swole actually got on Buhdee, impersonated Jim and thought someone would go “oh wow Jim you forgot to swap toons! Youre the real Buhdee!”. Absolute :clown_face:


Appreciate the post I think reverting the trinket stam buff would’ve been better suited than the fistweaver part but regardless hopefully it doesn’t fall to blind eyes like the rest of the feedback being posted every 10 minutes for the past 3 months.

Identity theft is a felony.


Then why are you spam griefing everyones lobbies as fw every night

80% or more of my games are castweaver. If I fistweaved your lobby in an unviable comp, it’s because you or someone else on our team was a completely unhelpable dolt and our only chance was me gibbing them by fistweaving. You’re welcome.

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You rage quit the lobby