<Sup Breh> 8/8 Heroic 3/8 M Undermine (2 Day) LF Rdruid & More

Mages where you @ playasss?

Yay Court is down

pumpppp 7/8 baaaaby

Love the court kill breh

We’re dialed in. Excited for Undermine!

Big guild pump bump~

Top of the pump !

Pump it and bump it baaaaby :melting_face:

Gold medal men pumpin and bumpin all day.

Silver medal pumpin and dumpin all day

Vexie Fullthrottle: Launch the motorcycle into the boss.

I see you in Undermine breh !

Ready for the prog push!

stll looking for heals?

Yessir ! hit me up Jaedan#1739 on bnet. Looking forward to speaking with you !

S2 around the corner!

I added you as well. Scrubnugget#1989 is my handle

Good morning Bump !

Reset day, come trial

Come trial Indeed.