This is the worst timeline.
Just waiting for Zachaios to use his two favorite words:
“sock puppet”
Say the words!
Love it when a shill gets caught not reading a post before rushing to get down on all fours for Blizz.
Feel better getting that insult off your chest?
that’s so many!
Ngl, it sounds more like complacency than some ninja buff conspiracy.
I find it strange that a single developer hasn’t made a comment on the state of Sunken Temple and confirm whether or not it did receive a silent buff with the gear tweaks. A lot of people are coming up with false narratives on the state of the raid and some clarification would be nice. Was this just a complete anomaly that somehow our raid had the highest performance to date yet SOMEHOW couldn’t clear Shade of Eranikus in 7 attempts?
I ran it tonight and it seemed easier than ever. Granted I ran with a guild that seemed to have their ish together but even acid rain seemed to be much less intense than I recall, like I barely had to move to avoid it.
What exactly do you think is buffed?
It’s quite simple to compare logs from your week before and after, before coming here and posting what is very likely misinformation.
Why would they come here and comment your post to confirm that indeed nothing has changed?
This is peak delusion lol
Why would you need world buffs anyway? Are you that much of a crutch player?
I ran both thursday (before changes) and a sunday alt run (after changes) and neither run looked any different. Pretty sure absolutely nothing changed and this thread is just confirmation bias.
I doubt there was a stealth buff. It took our guild longer than usual to complete ST last night, but that is likely from members playing alts and needing to invite several pugs.