[Suggestions updated] Pre-Legion/Ranged Survival

You mean current melee Survival?

Sure. I’ve suggested as much myself. Basically giving us the fantasy of a Headhunter of sorts. Along the lines of this(image link below):


This however, does not take away the fact that a lot of players miss the old ranged SV spec we had up until Legion hit where it was removed in favor of melee SV.

Which is also why I’m suggesting for ranged SV to come back as a 4th spec option to the class. And not a replacement for current melee SV.

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Oh got ya. A 4th spec would be the way to go. I’m having a lot of fun with survival right now. I just love the feeling in world pvp of hunting alliance down, it’s like they can’t get away.

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My only comment here is that it would be nice if bm and marksmen hunters got some love before survival, again. Personally I just think it would feel crappy if we essentially just because survival hunters the class.


Glad that you like the new SV. Hopefully they’ll stick to the design going forward and perhaps only work on some minor improvements for it. Since it has already had 2 overhauls in the last 2 expansions.

Agreed. Same as above. I think it’s time to step away from major overhauls for the current MSV. And to instead focus on improving the little things. To further define it’s intended playstyles.

Not entirely sure what you meant by this. Sorry:/

To anyone who has read through the entire post. Glad you took the time!

I would not mind some feedback towards it. Or if you have any personal preferences yourself towards what you would want to see from a potential ranged SV spec, in case of a return.

If there’s anything in my suggestions that you’re unsure of how it’s intended to work. Don’t hesitate to ask!

Some clarifications can be found here(the linked reply):
#[Suggestions updated] Pre-Legion/Ranged Survival - #19 by Ghorak-laughing-skull

It was just a stupid comment from me really that didn’t have a lot of thought put behind it if I’m really being honest with myself here.

I think that I’ve just read so much about wanting the old survival spec from a variety of other people that it just made me a bit envious of all the attention that spec has been getting as of late in comparison to again the other two specs.

It would be more then fair to just view my comment as a salty one really.

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Fair enough.

I agree that the current SV spec that we got with Legion(later changed in BfA), has gotten a lot of attention indeed.
More players seem to like the current version of it. So hopefully they(devs) will focus on improving what is already there, instead of giving it another overhaul.

Both current BM as well as MM could use a bit of dev-time. Though I would not say that either of them warrants any overhauls. More towards a bit of talent-redesign and such. As well as some improvements to the baseline core.

Having said that, like many players have stated, for example in the main Ranged SV-thread found on this forum:
The old Ranged SV spec we had between WotLK and WoD, was a much liked design/fantasy. It did not really make any sense for why it was entirely removed.
They should’ve just added in the melee-spec option as a 4th spec from the start.

But well, they did not do this…hence why I among others are advocating for Ranged SV to return as a 4th option instead.
You might not like the current BM or MM, but those of us who loved Ranged SV, we no longer have access to it at all…

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