[Suggestion] Buttons, keybinds and Multi-specs design issues

Current button+keybind interface does not make it easy to set up an UI on multiple specs. Even with addons (addons are a bit clunky on that).

On wow, a button slot has 2 functionalities.

  1. Display cooldown and proc info
  2. Act as a placeholder for keybinds

If I play – say – monk, and I want to set a button layout for my 3 specs, based on spell priority and role, I dont really have freedom to set up my bars because they are assigned to keybinds.

Ex: Action bar 1 slot 1 will always have the Q key. Id like that slot to be from a very important skill on each spec – say keg smash on brewmaster and renewing mist on mistweaver. But my ket smash is Q and renewing mist is 4.

Things get harder when playing PVP with constantly changing on-use talents, and may get worse with the unpruning for Shadowlands.

How do players currently circumvent this issue:

  • They dont play multiple specs
  • They use bars solely as a placeholder for keybinds on a screen corner, then put all of the visual part into weakauras. (I think a lot of the weakauras could be just buttons if we didnt have this button+bind issue).
  • Addons like BindPad or ButtonForge also can also help on that but they are a bit clunky because of… API limitations?

Another suggested way to fix this:

  • Keybind profiles per spec

This is very old, very annoying and people have been able to circumvent it on ugly ways. It would be great to have official support and make baseline better. I’d say its a really hard thing for newer players.

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Great but, seems glitchy as the alternatives…

I just did a quick test. When switching profiles, buttons from non-active talents (say, fury of elune or psyfiend) disappear from the bar.