Suggestion: Allow item appearances to be collected if it drops for the wrong class several times

So you go to get some nice transmog for your cloth toon. Sadly, a bunch of plate and two handers drop. So you switch to your plate toon.

Naturally, nothing but cloth drops.

Only mildy frustrating the first time, but by the tenth time it’s pretty infuriating. What I propose is that after the fifth, tenth, or even fifteenth time you loot an item you can’t equip, (it would make sense for rarer items to require more drops,) the item is added to your collection regardless of your class.

I don’t think this would disrupt transmog collection too much, and would add a nice progress bar to all the items you don’t have, given you more (minor) goals.

I’d much rather see a progress bar or number gauge telling me I’m close to unlocking an item no matter what than just have multiple runs with nothing to show for it.


No, I don’t think this will work. You see, if you don’t have characters that use the item type that you just collected, then what is the purpose of adding it?

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I seriously wish. Its almost like the loot table for legacy is specifically programmed to drop 90% stuff you cant use (Youre on your hunter, so no mail drops. Paladin, no plate. Leather class, all cloth plate and mail), 9% stuff you can use but is worthless (so it drops over and over and over and over and over again) and 1% something you might actually want.