Subtlety Question PvP

While fighting another rogue in a BG I noticed his Eviscerates were hitting twice. First part was a physical attack. The second part was shadow damage of about 60%.

Question is, where does the shadow damage come from.

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You would have had the Find Weakness debuff.
I think it explains it on the Evis tooltip

I don’t think it’s FW.

Sounds like he was running the conduit that increases shadow damage.

Conduit deeper daggers.

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Shadow blades will also make it register on details like that

Thanks for the input.

Look like it was 50% from Find Weakness with another 11-12% from Deeper Daggers conduit. Which is about what the damage was, 61%

In regards to Shadow Blades, the tool tip specifies “combo point generating abilities”. I don’t think that was a contributing factor.

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