Subscription ends 3/10/21

I cancelled my sub as well. Systems and caps designed to squeeze playtime on an infinite loop at ever increasing difficulty levels. All of which becomes irrelevant and starts over each season. No thanks. How about making a fun game with gameplay that people want to play. $$$$$$$$$$$$$


Mines up in two weeks. Might resub, might not.

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And yet…

I’ve still put in more effort than you ever did.

You really are just another Boomer mad at the world.

While I am certainly not the man’s biggest fan by any stretch of the imagination (quite the contrary) this doesn’t mean he doesn’t have another account with other characters.


I must be so insecure about myself. People on this forum keep calling the content I do “elite”, and I am here thinking to myself that I’m average on my best days and getting anxious everytime I try to tank anything.

Grim news indeed.

Ok, see you in 9.1

Dailies that are optional and non power related…

And by progress you mean get the best possible gear available in the game… Yes, that is only possible by being the best or getting boosted by the best players.

But if you mean improve your character, no, you probably still have a lot of raid bosses you didn’t killed, you can still push M+ higher, improve your profile, and still get good loot on the vault. If you are getting repeats you can always do more dungeons. If you PVP you can always practice and get better at the game, things like that.

You are not going progress by doing the dailies you mentioned.


1400 pounds?

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You just described a game. If there is no difficulty, what’s the point of playing at all?

If you aren’t having fun, sorry to hear that, I hope you find a game you enjoy. I however, am enjoying Retail again, which has made me want to play it again.


So the game can thrive again right now.

Haven’t dailies been around since BC?

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What proof is there of that? And why are you calling me a Boomer?

People agree with me!

ht tps://

Link it using the </> function so I don’t have to play “where are the hidden spaces”.

The title in the link seems to have nothing to do with your statement. You stated you need elite guilds to progress.

I disagree.

For example, you are at 200 ilvl. You do not need “elite guilds” to help you progress.

Mine runs out on the 12th or 13th so I’m right there with ya. Not quitting just taking a long long long break.


I am stuck at 200, cannot go further. Cannot find RBG team, do not have pvp buddies, do not have appropriate Covenant or conduits for Raids and Mythics!

Cannot progress!

Yes you can.

You choose not to.

That is on you. Not WoW.

Says you, no way to get better gear!

You can get better from doing M+3s.

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bye felicia

Your lack of any rated experience.

Because you act like one constantly bashing people who are younger than you.

I only linked the thread that I did to show that you are nothing more than an entitled child throwing a temper tantrum. You said it yourself in that thread by calling every one who disagreed with you and offered solid advice [REDACTED]. I’d have more sympathy for you if you didn’t act like this in pretty much every single thread you participate in. Be it here on GD, the BG forums, or the WPvP forums. All you do is cry.