Delves have been mentioned to be “seasonal”, but you also said they will be “evergreen”.
Does that mean new seasons just add to the rewards/companions pool, or will there be time limited FOMO aspects to them?
Delves have been mentioned to be “seasonal”, but you also said they will be “evergreen”.
Does that mean new seasons just add to the rewards/companions pool, or will there be time limited FOMO aspects to them?
What is the anticipated expansion release timeline / cycle looking like as part of the World Soul Saga? One every year? One every 18 months? Etc.?
In the Deep Dive, it was mentioned that some flying mounts would be ineligible for dynamic flight due to animation concerns. Could we get some examples of this?
(my assumption right now is that “things with wings” are going to be the first up on the list to be eligible for dynamic flight, and then potentially vehicles and mechanical mounts, I suspect things like the Red Flying Cloud, the Tazavesh mounts, and the mage class mount are likely to NOT receive dynamic flying, because can you imagine Whirling Surge when you’re just standing on a disk? Goku can do it but we’re not Goku :P)
(speaking of, this isn’t a Q&A question but the Red Flying Cloud is, as far as I know, the ONLY mount in the game that can’t be used while swimming, which is genuinely annoying if I want to use it on an alt because then I have to get out of the water to start flying again, even if I’m at the surface. Even the Witch’s Broom from Hallow’s End lost that restriction some time ago. I’d love to see that changed sometime. Sorry for the tangent, lol)
Is it reasonable to assume that classic raids will eventually come to Season of Discovery as well? Such as being able to acquire Atiesh?
If they actually hint or reveal info about this, that would be very surprising
My question is this… Will we get Player Housing any time soon? This is the one thing I have wanted most for the longest time. I feel like if it was done correctly, it would be incredible. Be able to fully customize the inside and outside of your home/INN. Maybe have a personalized hearthstone for your house, be able to use gold to buy furniture and be able to show things you’ve collected throughout your years of playing. I so badly want this in game. Is it ever coming to WoW?
When are we going to get Shaman tanks in retail?
Also, when are you going to bring back actual world pvp in retail in a similar fashion as vanilla? As much as some players hate world pvp, it made every zone feel alive a terrifying at all times. Please bring back actual world pvp. Get rid of War Mode.
Are there any plans to introduce any new Legendary items for Season of Mastery, such as the original Ashbringer, Frostmourne, or even the necklace that supposedly dropped in Molten Core for one player back in the day?
since most of my questions were answered by Ion… thanks I’ll ask new ones
are delve gear rewards going to be done in a raid lockout style, daily M+ style, or something new?
is the team happy with the baseline talent systems right now, and are more reworks on the way?
Is the team open to a general mount update, including ground mounts?
with the seamless fog doors being added for delves, could that tech be used to make raid and dungeon entrances seamless as well?
for the flying mounts not being added to dynamic flying, can new animations be made for them? or has that been tried and not worked out?
with more and more cross faction/realm things being added, how is the team feeling about the faction divide right now? is it time for a 3rd faction?
are hero talents a substitute for new specs for existing classes? are new specs a possibility or a no go zone?
since there is always a meta when it comes to damage, how will hero “specs” be balanced to insure both available to a spec are viable?
thank you!
Can survival hunter dual wield yet?
How will the warband’s transmog unlocking work with class-locked items, such as tier set (tokens)?
I have two accounts on one account and have always been able to share progress (mounts, achievements, transmog, Account Bound items and currency, etc.), with level 70s on both. Will I be able to use my Warband to include characters between both accounts, or will one account be totally out of luck with all of those things and not able to benefit from the Warband?
Unholy DK main here. Has the team given any thought about honing in on the class fantasy of a necromancer focused gameplay style for Death Knights? We have a taste of it with the Clawing Shadows talent, which enabled most of the spec to be played at range (outside of Festering Strike and Death and Decay cleaving). I was really hoping to see a hero talent tree/hero spec that enables a ranged playstyle for the spec. Fingers crossed that maybe San’layn will have some ranged stuff, but unsure if that’s going to be an option for Unholy or not. The dream of flinging death coils and spreading diseases from the backlines while my undead army fights in melee sounds more attainable than ever with the hero talent system.
My question isn’t about the expansion, but it is about our inventory. Is it possible for you all to make it so we can destroy the items such as the spec weapons we had to get in Legion? I know we have a lot of bag space now, but it’s actually irritating to have stuff in my bank that I don’t use anymore and can’t delete.
Will the Druid flight form have dynamic flying like other old mounts are getting?
In the case of pvp, can we get the gladiator mount or something equivalent for some other bracket? for example for solo shuffle or soloq battlegrounds? whats about fix solo shuffle Q time for dps specs?
Will the Rostrum of Transformation remain to customize current draongflight enabled mounts?
will there be an easy way to access it in the future xpacs or could it be part of the barbershop or in the mount collection to easily customize across characters in new xpacs?
Is Archeology, even in its old form, ever coming back? Df was the perfect occasion for it’s return but with the expansion coming to a close and no news in sight i’m starting to worry.
There are some pretty epic beards coming to Earthen, any chance OG Dwarves and Dark Iron Dwarves will get some more beard options? Or at least that braid/mohawk combination?
Can you please remove holiday restriction on holiday transmog? Would be nice to wear some of this cool stuff at any time of the year.