Sub Rogue Help

I’m playing Sub Rogue and I’ve always loved to do bgs but I heard that corruption/gear/essences/azerite powers were really imporatnt this xpac to pvp so I went and stacked a bunch of Night’s Vengance and mastery corruptions/gear but I still feel like I do 0 dmg in bgs. Is my ilvl too low still or did I get the wrong corruptions?

Thanks for any help!

New to rogue so I can’t really answer your question, but there is a rogue-specific forum that you could post this in and probably get some helpful responses :grinning:

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Subtlety in general is sorely outclassed by assassination this expansion and your item level is a little lower than you want it. As a general rule, I wouldn’t bother corrupting any items below 460. Some people at the higher end are having fun with mastery builds for more bursty finishers but I’d advise against that in favor of gushing (available at the vendor now through Friday at 11pm EST) and prioritizing versatility as your stat of choice. In terms of raw damage output, vers offers similar benefit to mastery while also reducing the damage you take. Do remember that corruptions will be removed with the pre-patch for SL.

For talents, I recommend subterfuge over nightstalker, elusiveness over soothing darkness, and any three of these four PvP talents: Cold blood, maneuverability, smoke bomb, and shadowy duel.

For essences, I recommend breath of the dying as your major with conflict and strife as an alternative. For minors, run C&S or breath (whichever you didn’t take as your major), memory of lucid dreams, and either vision of perfection, lens of the focusing iris, or crucible of flame according to your preference or access.

For traits, there really is no one trait that you need to stack. Aim for a mix of one-of’s and heart of darkness as a filler.


Sub is great and its the only spec I will play in this game good or bad.

You need to have as many nights vengeance as you can. Try and get a tendrils corruption and mastery corruption as well. Aim for 100% mastery or more. If you are an arena player just stack versatility. I only battleground so I prefer high mastery for juicy eviscerates.

I personally use nightstalker but it’s personal preference and subterfuge is slightly better DPS on a target. I just like burst. Unfortunately due to the insane self healing and azerite traits as well as character defensives you really need to be on your game to know when you can use shadow blades. and try and kill.

Play assassination if you’re bad at the class and just want to smash buttons

Play sub if you want to challenge yourself with lining up all of your cooldowns and having good decision making.

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Honestly gushing is the way to go. Mastery is bigger spikes but sub has control and gushing will be ticking the whole time.


I wouldn’t recommend. Tendrils are just killable variations of gushing that do less damage per point of corruption.

I really shouldn’t bite obvious bait but… maintaining garrote, which has a hefty energy cost and a 6-second CD, and rupture which costs 5 combo points (ideally) across multiple targets is a challenge that steeply punishes inexperienced rogues. Both require melee range, obviously. It isn’t as simple as tabbing around and throwing moonfires out. Still plenty of cooldowns to line up and DR’s to track.

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Compared to sub though? No garrote, everything is stuns so the Drs are even trickier. Setting up their damage takes quite a bit more too…

I think you can do well with assasin without being super skilled (I don’t think it’s as punishing as you think for an inexperienced player). Is there a difference between a skilled and non skilled, of course.

Tendrils can pump but I definitely wouldn’t use in bgs when you can’t guarantee cc on everyone. Gushing is just so cheap, consistent damage and good in all situations.

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Mhm, the silence is an added DR category to track. Set-up as sub isn’t tricky at all right now because dance is super available with multiple charges and CD reduction with finishers. Lining dance up against enemy defensives/CC will be trickier in shadowlands though.

Agreed for 1v1 scenarios, strongly disagree for multi-target scenarios where rot is preferred (extremely often in BG’s). That’s not to suggest that either is particularly difficult, but trading multiple DoT management for dance management really doesn’t complicate the class any.

Yeah which only really matters if you play with a spriest… There are a hundred million stuns, tracking stun Drs is definitely trickier.

I dunno… Haven’t played a ton of my rogue but I was definitely finding it harder to set up than assasin. Additionally assasin just does more consistent damage. So the targets lower when they go into the kindey. for sub it’s all about that burst, you need to make sure you don’t mess it up Might be just me but setting up kills as sub felt harder.

I dunno there’s a lot of intricacies with dance though. Blind/sapping someone. Cheap shotting multiple people anytime you activate it.

It definitely feels like a higher skill floor and ceiling than assasin. Not a ton maybe… But definitely a bit.