Sub only stress test = biased feedback

Here, your own words:

Don’t give me this holier than thou garbage. You took two posts and then claim the forums are “all over the place” and people are unreasonably giving feedback the servers are too crowded. You have taken a disingenuous position.

Everyone has biases. You do to.

They needed concentrated player numbers to test the layering, which worked great BTW, as in it was not noticeable at all.

I think the fact that they went from 10 to 2 during the initial 4 hour window, and now will be only opening 4 for the rest of the test says more about the level of actual interest. As in, the interest level is not as high as the classic evangelists want everyone to believe.

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I still don’t think it does show interest though.

We still don’t know if there where 3000 or 12000 per server just split into layers.


Looking forward to when they change that and send the moochers and pirates packing.

ok…so show me where the “101” comes in that you wanted me to find ?

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You two are starting to sound like me and Brokenwind


You claimed my estimation, that 99% of players do not think 12 people is overcrowded, was hyperbole. If you think this is false that means out of about 10k testers you would need to find me 101 people who think 12 people is overcrowded. This is simple math. So good luck. I am done unless you can.


Assumption one:
Most of the people here don’t like layering. I’m 100% sure that this is a statement, not an assumption. As this system works against one of the main pillars of Vanillas game design.

Assumption two:
Current WoW players like their safe zone.
Am I really making an assumption here? They want to fly, they want to port everywhere, they don’t want mob tagging, they don’t want to wait for re-spawns, they don’t want to contest – beside the high end players, which are a minority, obviously.

And yes, I am an versionist, if thats even a word. Because there will be fundamentally different versions of the same game in around 2 months.

This in itself is one of the biggest reasons to even say something about this.
This is the reason why they (Blizzard) shouldn’t ask players of an completely different version on how they’d like to perceive the experience.

This isn’t about X vs Y. This is about the viability of asking an orange how an apple should fall from a tree.

Maybe we will be all Classic players in a few months.
And maybe we won’t due to decisions made now.


The only place where there were 12-20 other people was the RP realm, which was closed down 20 minutes into the ST. After that every single starter zone had like 100 people all stood trying to camp the same mobs.

One person said 12-20 or something like that, but that’s not a true reflection at all. It was STUFFED in there. There wasn’t a single living mob or critter from Coldridge to Kharanos. The only things left alive on Teldrassil were the Nelves themselves.

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After classic goes live there will be a wave of cease and desist letters of epic proportions. I can’t wait.

Oh i am well aware. I am trying to bring that to attention because this thread has a couple people who think we are exaggerating. Specifically people who weren’t testing themselves. It was overcrowded to the point of unplayable, i agree.

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The game was made for paying customers.

Oh yeah, I was just agreeing with you :).

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The game was made for the people asking for it for years. People willing to come back and return as a paying customer.

Why would they make a game for people that already pay?
For those people they make shiny pets.


For sure there will be a ton of non-subbed Classic fans just waiting to resub who won’t pay for current WoW, only Classic. The problem is Blizzard won’t reach out to them for their participation without a paywall.

I have a sub but I don’t play. I just mainly farm mounts these days maybe once a week, don’t even know why I let it tick tbh, I have no intention finishing even Legion content let alone starting BfA.

This most of the people here line. . I am here. Many others with current subs are here. We don’t think sharding is a good thing and do not wish for it to be used any more than absolutely needed. You do not own any special knowledge or skill related to a topic like this. We are all together.

Do you know all this for a fact? Have you asked any of us if these are things or tenants we want? I don’t recall you asking me. It’s assuming.

Here we go. . By the same logic path, this is exactly why they should not ask people who walked away from blizzard and stole IP

You are not the only person with a passion for this game.

Not by a long shot. I am saddened by your take and view, but a part of me does understand.

Just please try to remember, we are not all your enemy.

DO I think you deserve play time without paying? It’s not my call. It’s blizards.

I agree and I never personally played on a P Server because I always thought it was wrong.

There’s another crowd though, who clamour for Classic, don’t have a sub AND didn’t go to P Servers…it’s just finding them and somehow getting them involved. With only these forums for updates, I don’t see how they can be included, but for sure their input would be valuable, especially those who walked away really early on in the expansion history.


They should ask people that walked away from their IP after they changed into something else, because:
those people are the reason they made this,
are the reason people without a sub can post here and
are the people that played the game in bad conditions on servers with tens of thousands of players in the starter zones – without layering – and still liking it for what it is.
This isn’t asking “people who ran away from their IP and stole it” about how they should design Overwatch. We’re talking about Classic here. It makes sense to especially ask people like that.

I’m not. That’s right. I’m just assuming that there are more passionate people in the “not paying right now” group, than there are in the “still liking current wow enough to pay for it” group.
Just an assumption in your eyes. I know.

When ever did I say that?

I don’t want any free play time. This isn’t what this is about.

They want to stress servers? cool.
They want to stress them with paying current WoW customers? cool.
They want to ask the same people on how they should layer classic? Not cool.

I quote myself:


Why is it biased feedback when you need a sub to play classic on release? :thinking: You need a sub to post on the forums as well, iirc.