C’mon, man. How long has it been and how long is this going to go on for? Every few level-ups in Pandaria Remix I try to complete this and I ALWAYS die on the second hozen. This has been an issue for a while now. What is the damn problem?
having same issue plz help devs i need it done thanks
Confirming this is still happening in pre-patch. It seemed to have been fixed before, but I can’t get past the third Hozen anymore.
Yep, definitely broken again. Can’t get past the second hozen, they kill Rell way too quick.
Can’t do it either even though I’ve done this quest a dozen or so times. Frustrating.
same on horde side with riko got 2 shot, and im hearing no dk can finish the tutorial as well. its not on their list of known issues but basically any quest with a “vehicle” is broken with scaling
Same problem. A friend was having trouble with her 18 DK in Remix, so I logged in my 70 remix mage to check it out too (w/party sync, mage dropped to 60) and I keep dying after the first Hozen or two.
This remix mage did this a week-ish ago with no problems.
can confirm this quest is broken Rell dies to quick no way to get past 2nd hozen first time I have ever had this issue please fix my pally is stuck and cant continue the questline for the campaign.
Bump so blizz will fix this.
I had this same issue trying to complete quest achievement in Jade Forest. My character is item level 476 with over 120k threads and still dies to the 1st or 2nd monkey. Prior to pre-patch, I would one-shot the quest mobs on my other 476 characters.
They aren’t going to fix anything. Remix is dead now to them. They are too busy concentrating on all the broke garbage from the pre-patch. The fact that the scaling has now affected the 60-70 leveling process has completely destroyed what made this version fun.
RIP, Remix.
Am commenting again to bump as well. Yeah, still broken no matter what character I use, level they are, etc.
Its frustrating and I feel bad for my friend who had a big move during all this. She literally got to try and play the first time after the update and is just stuck there. Been taking her around doing other stuff for coins so she can get mounts purchased.
Same here. I’m doing the stuff for all the other zones. I’ve done five or six other Remix alts and had no issues whatsover with these quests, now with the prepatch, the scaling is totally off.
This is one reason I really wish Blizz wouldn’t rely so often on these vehicle type quests. You have zero recourse. Can’t use your character’s tools to heal, can’t defend, can’t mitigate. When they break, they break badly.
Agreed, these types of quests are so prone to complete meltdowns after patches and it’s frustrating. If only I had started my remix character the day prior, I wouldn’t have had a problem getting the Jade Forest achievement
Bye weekend
All “vehicle” quests in Remix are broken and have been since the pre-patch, the scaling is waaay off.
[Scouting Report: The Friend of My Enemy] in The Jade Forest cannot be completed… Riko takes too much damage and has no health.
[Broken Dreams] in The Valley of Four Winds is also broken. You’re controlling Chen Stormstout, who also can’t do sheet.
Bumping this thread so Blizzard will fix this already, or at least acknowledge it. It’s been a week almost!
Wth am I supposed to do?
Riko can be done, but you have to KITE. Don’t let the Jinyu get within kick range, start moving away from camp before they get there, pause long enough to tag the jinyu then run and throw green goop. Don’t just dance around the downed plane either, like run around the entire forest area.
When the Alliance Scout comes out tag him and kite some more, throw goop like your life depends on it bc it does. Once the scout dies the scenario ends (even if there are jinyu alive).
It’s annoying, but it’s very easy once you figure out how much of a gap there needs to be.
Just tried to complete this today & cannot. How am I meant to progress through the storyline now if it cannot be done? I just made another new alt this am & should be halfway through by now, but no. Is it possible they will fix this come Tuesday’s reset?
I have tried six different toons of various classes and none of them can get past the second hozen. This is ridiculous since the week before I easily completed the quest on two toons. This should be a MAJOR priority since the time is running out to finish the Remix.