Strongly disagree with covenant skill system

I wholeheartedly believe that they really did listen to the community, and tried their best to put something together, especially knowing that they had to delve into the next expansion as soon as possible.

With that said, I understand the frustration of players. I respect Blizzard for trying to figure out a way to tackle the problem of Corruption gear, especially considering it was thematically relevant, but the layers of RNG really ruined that.

Over the past month, Blizzard has been doing a brilliant job at executing. I think they’ve listened, but until now, their execution has been subpar.

Now, we’ve gotten account-wide essences, changes to those essences to make them even easier to obtain, Legion legacy loot, the 100% experience boost to keep people inside, and now, we’re getting PvP vendors.

I’m excited to see what they’re going to do regarding execution in Shadowlands. I think they’ve finally realized that we can’t see that they listen, and their execution has been a bit convoluted as a result.

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The argument doesn’t hold much weight even at a high level when you consider that certain classes and races are better than others for certain content, but people (overall) still play their preferred race/class, regardless of whether it’s an alt or main, and regardless of that ‘true’ value of that race/class with respect to that content.

By the opposing argument’s logic, to take it to an extreme, anyone should be able to go to a rest area and change their race and class to the best race/class for that specific type of content.

It’s a difference of attachment. People aren’t as attached to covenants, so it stands to reason that it should be more malleable.

I strongly disagree with your post.

If you seen my previous posts, I’m for hard choices in that I don’t mind if you choose a Coven and that’s that.

The post you replied to was my observation that there will be a group of people that will complain no matter what. The group that is currently complaining is the group who wants to always be meta/optimal.

Wrong. The issue is linking actual abilities/talents/passives to factions that can’t be changed without a long grind.

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Right that’s why I said what I said. There is no reason to not design something just because people will over worry about theoretical DPS.

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No, that isn’t an issue.
You SHOULD want to commit.
The reason its an issue is because if you commit to the wrong one and can not compete its a real problem.

Indecision is not an issue the development should be concerned with here.
Its just not that kind of system.


Assuming they successfully balance all covenant abilities for all specs. And every none quantifiable ability (Teleports damage reductions self dispels) is reasonably inconsequential across the board.

Then maybe the decision isn’t an issue.

The choice is supposed to be meaningful.

What he’s saying is that you want access to all the choices with the ability swap between them at a whim. You’re not making a choice when you already have access to everything

Except I don’t have all 4 abilities at once,

It is an issue. No game should be linking gameplay mechanics to storyline factions like that.

And I should be committing for cosmetics, or a few gear pieces, or some crafting recipes. I should NOT have my talents connected to a damn faction.

Choice can be meaningful for storyline decisions without it meaning our talents get screwed over.

Exactly, which is what makes it a meaningful choice

I still don’t understand why we are systemising above and beyond spec based skill trees. We shouldn’t need these grind fest systems to tailor our characters strength or skills, these should be inherent to our characters.

It almost seems like everytime Blizzard adds a new system, AP Weapons, Armor, Essences, custom progression trees for game mode benefits etc etc - it’s just a way to get players to spend more time grinding and grinding.

The game is a mess, and although artifact gear is going (I hope?), this doesn’t make me think that Blizzard learned their lesson with that travesty of a system.

This one is, seemingly.
Ironically, because this forum and the general population asked for more meaningful choices!

Maybe some day they will learn.

Are you hearing yourself? You think players should be punished for choosing the Covenant they like?

People asked for meaningful choices in the storyline. They wanted more stuff like the Sylvanas crap.

Don’t blame a handful of forum users for this crap.

Agree. Seem they all want to live like drones.

to be more clear , I am strongly disagree with this new (unfinish) system. possible that it going to be good? yes, but how? weekly tuning? 30% more bonus grind to disadvantage Covenant??

it must be as balance as possible on launching day or 2 week after to keep people happy

No, not talking about story.
There was a LOT of people rallying around the “player agency” thing.

This happens all the time.

People clamored there was “nothing to do” in WoD, and look what we got?
Two expansions where the systems literally created infinite progression.

Then people said “there is no player agency” and we get things like essences, benthic gear, and now covenants.
Benthic gear was complained on for ever, Essences required gigantic nerfs to their acquisition for people to move on, and now people are having a fit over something that isn’t even testable yet.

Take a deep breath and realize that unless these things are not balanced in the slightest, you should be able to choose comfortably and enjoy that decision.

Its like picking a profession or something.

Let’s see how it works out.

I’m sure in no time they will do another 180 after the initial response anyway.