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Can’t get passed character creation screen.

I envision them turning knobs and throttling capacities pushing the server to the limit attempting to load 5x more players through queues than allowed under normal conditions.

Hope it’s just not like… well that didn’t work

I got a mysterious black screen character selection as well.

“Logging into game server” for 10,000 years.


For real :joy:

Error creating character

“Logging in to game server” here also.

Change the character’s name a few times pressing accept see if it made a difference and it finally changed to “error creating character”

Finally got to character creation, nothing happens when I hit accept.

The “Change Realm” and “Enter World” buttons become grayed out for short periods.

If I hover my mouse over the “Enter World” button it gives this text “The world is scheduled to be available soon.”

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Yeah like last time they said they were able to test some unexpected things, but weren’t able to test what they originally wanted to so hopefully they’re able to so this time.

That’s as far as I’ve gotten a few times. Mostly disconnects while trying to retrieve realm list though :slight_smile:

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Ok, so after initially getting to character selection after a scant 8 minutes, I was booted and stuck on login, then booted and no servers available, now finally been stuck on “Logging in to game server” for about 30 minutes.

Just stuck at logging into servers

I’m at character creation. Can’t actually create the character though.

Edit: just got kicked… now “logging into game server”.
Edit 2: back at character creation. Still cant create the character though.
Edit 3: “Error Creating Character”.
Edit: realized the enter world button says world is scheduled to be open soon. I will wait for that to change.

Still waiting on my Beta Key…5 min later same story…10

I Made it in, I’m playing, it’s awesome… ah crap I was day dreaming waiting on server log in.

Same here. Server currently locked 2:47pm

and still nothing from blizzard saying anything about the issue

Saw the server list being offline for 30 mins. Restarted the game, now i’m facing the “logging in to game server” boss!