Stress Test Share Your Status

ok got in…

and restarting server ,lol

Really, because I’ve seen streamers get in as soon as the problem was resolved, while others were still stuck in the queue.
EDIT: Just past the “no realms are available/disconnected stage” Now I’m actually in the queue. Woo.

The lizard people run Blizzard! Get Woke people!

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Server down now, restarting

trying to connect to the server for about an hour now

and I got to the character select screen just in time to get disconnected.

If it’s working interesting choice of words

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David Icke, is that you?

The servers say locked for me

StReAmEr PrIoRiTy

Who cares. The stress server will be up for a whole day, just like last time. If you cant get in during the first rush you’ll get in later when it calms down. That’s when I got in last week.

Streamers getting priority was confirmed. Stop being jealous crying babies and grow up, its for the better.

they are restarting rn, announced it as soon as I finally got in

Yup, they open the gates for us peasants after the elite few have had their fun.

Queue is alive again at least actually see 400 people in queue

You’re funny.

Well the server just died as intended

A streamer is going to get World First 60???

Calling it now. This won’t be resolved by the time it goes live in August.

Wow. It’s not, but, ok.

Is there a place to submit any bugs we find with the stress test, I tried using the charter restore option and it was not working.