Do I have to quote you again?
I was never questioning that there would be RP realms. That’s a given and we’ve known it. You said there would be one RP realm in the quote I’ve quoted three times now.
Do I have to quote you again?
I was never questioning that there would be RP realms. That’s a given and we’ve known it. You said there would be one RP realm in the quote I’ve quoted three times now.
Of course there will be one! There could be more though. Again, I fail to see where I said it would only be one and not more
~10% of all servers will be RP, similar to how it was in Retail back when they still were adding servers.
So if there’s 50 servers in the Americas region, there will probably be 5 RP servers.
Emphasis added for the word you keep missing.
I’ll repeat it because you keep failing to read properly.
“Ion said there would be one RP realm at launch”
Which there will be… we don’t know if there will be more than one, but nobody is denying that possibility.
Yes. “ONE”.
You didn’t say “At least”. You didn’t say “more than”.
You claimed he said there would be ONE realm. That is not what he said, which is why I asked where you got that information from.
If you didn’t mean to say “ONE” or meant to add expansionist qualifiers, that’s fine, but that’s not what you said and you keep doubling down on it.
I’ve tried to use the previous classic file for this by locating it on my system for the launcher. It doesn’t seem to be working properly. Is it required to redownload the game?
I said there would be one… Do you think there won’t be one? Why is my statement wrong?
Because you said there would be “one”. I expect there to be more than one, and I was asking how you had proof of only a single RP realm.
You kept doubling down on the statement “there will only be one”. You didn’t say “Oh I meant at least one” or “He guaranteed we’d have one or more”.
If you meant more than one was possible, your statement that you reconfirmed, did not in any way say or imply that.
Nor did it anywhere say it would be limited to just one. My statement is a fact, there WILL be one RP realm, it’s just that we don’t know if there will be more. But one is already a certainty.
I give up.
I had to restart my Bnet client to apply a patch & after logging in again I had the option to download WoW Classic (which I did).
I’m just waiting for Blizzard to get a chuckle by adding one server type to the stress test list called… PvE-PvP or, well, Normal-PvP. I mean, that would be a savage troll but I find the thought humorous.
Does this mean our stress test characters from the May tests will no longer be available?
Yes, in another thread this was confirmed by someone in beta, their characters from stress test are already gone, not to mention this is on an entirely new client and entirely separate of the client we used for prior stress testing. They are deletafied.
Thus leading to the economy being flooded with items and prices dropping artificially low because there’s so many mobs to farm them from. Plus areas like caves becoming extremely dangerous because of the high respawn rate, turning normal quests into group quests.
No thanks.
With high pop/spawn:
First off; the higher quantity of items will be distributed among a higher population. It ends up being the same as sharding / layering. Cuz, you know, multiple instances of the same zone with a single economy.
Secondly; if you want to advance quicker at launch, you’re gonna group up anyway. Solo players will kind of get left behind at the start anyway.
But, I do get your point. Kind of forces people to group, which isn’t really evil.
Caves being dangerous for solo players is your only point that sticks.
I don’t want the community split, not for a moment. That’s the highlight I’m pushing for.
Classic is a community game. No to layering/sharding.
You’re assuming that all items of all levels will all be distributed perfectly evenly.
Protip: that’s wrong lol
Also, grouping up for fewer spawns is not the same as being forced to group up because things respawn so fast that they overwhelm a solo player.
I played on a server with 14k online and dynamic respawns. It was awful and horribly un-blizzlike.
“muh community split!!!”
Oh no, the community is “”"""""""""“split”""""""""""""" for 1 month tops while the population spreads out. How dreadful.
if i get to LOG IN unlike the last tests I’'l be sure to give feedback I know I have one thing i wanna test for sure.
Not perfectly even. That’s impossible with this game. RNG on drops makes sure of that.
Does the “lol” mean you’re being sarcastic? I do agree that your statement which you said is wrong, is wrong. SMH.
I’ve made this point as well
See? We agree!
Are you just arguing for the sake of?
Me too. It was fun. However, I’d say cap the servers at 3-4x the norm. Still would be a deal less than the 14k mayhem.
As for it being un-blizzlike, sharding and layering were not in Vanilla either. IMO high pop/spawn is the lesser of the two evils.
I know you’re being sarcastic here, but yeah, it is dreadful.
I could say the same to you in just as equally sarcastic way.
Oh no! Mah caves are too dangerous! I’m forced to group and make friends. Boohoo.
what the…