Strategic Breakdown of AV

If you queue less, the ally win rate will go up.

It isn’t a strategy problem or a problem for blizzard to solve by altering the map.

More than half the raid want’s to farm rep, a quarter of the raid wants to afk and soak up honor rep, another quarter of the raid didn’t get the memo and actually tries to win.

Until we have enough people to marginalize those that afk or dont try and actually report nonparticipants to get them out of the BG’s you can have all the changes you like and the results will still be the same.

A minimum 2hr queue for AV would solve all problems yes? It would make afk farming AV worthless for honor and “incentivize” alliance to work harder. And it would let alliance get back at the horde by giving them even longer queues most likely equalizing the player populations actually queuing the bg.

This is[quote=“Ziryus-doomhammer, post:18, topic:478245, full:true”]

Nope we should do something, stop queuing for AV.

Let horde have their massive queue times since they insist on abusing their map advantage.

This is exactly the right idea. No Alliance should queue AV except alts for rep. It’s beyond broken and unsalvageable without bringing back a much earlier or much later version. I don’t know how it is in retail, but the IBGY vs SHGY is a massive advantage.

Yea yea the map is Poorly designed, anyone can figure it out at this point.

yep i tell this everytime, but you can also win if the horde team is super bad then you can just capture iceblood gy and push south, but horde team have rankers and ally teams have rep farmers so its even worse.